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Set 7 Vocabulary Academic and Honors.

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1 Set 7 Vocabulary Academic and Honors

2 Amiably POS : Adverb Definition: Spoken in a friendly manner
Synonym: Kind Antonym: Harsh Sentence: Although TJ is Stacey’s friend, he is not very amiable to him.

3 Dismally POS : Adverb Definition: Gloomily Synonym: Depressed
Antonym: Joyful Sentence: Little Man was always dismal if his clothes got dirty.

4 Dubious POS : Adj. Definition: Doubtful Synonym: Chancy
Antonym: Trusting Sentence: Christopher-John was dubious over missing lunch to dig a trench.

5 Exasperation POS : Noun Definition: Extreme Frustration Synonym: Rage
Antonym: Relaxation Sentence: Cassie was exasperated when she was told to apologize to Lillian Jean.

6 Flounced POS : Verb Definition: Walked in a showy manner
Synonym: Swagger Antonym: Walk Normal Sentence: TJ always flounced around as he walked to Stacy, showing off.

7 Jauntily POS : Adv Definition: In a lively manner Synonym: Joyfully
Antonym: Dubious Sentence: Cassie and the others jauntily walked home after seeing the bus “break down”; they were joyful!

8 Motley POS : Adj Definition: Jumbled mix of things Synonym: Medly
Antonym: Pure Sentence: The Wallace store sold a motley array of items, from apples to water.

9 Penchant POS : Noun Definition: A liking for something
Synonym: Aptitude Antonym: Disdain Sentence: TJ certaintly had a pechant for the gun at Mr. Barnett’s store. He wanted it badly.

10 Raucous POS : Adj Definition: Loud and boisterous Synonym: Rucus
Antonym: Silence Sentence: Cassie tried not to make a raucous noise as she snuck to the boys’ room.

11 Reverberated POS : Verb Definition: Echoed Synonym: Returned
Antonym: Absorbed Sentence: “Why not?” asked Little Man. Silence. “Why Not?!” his voice reverberated.

12 Sheepish POS : Adj. Definition: Embarrassed Synonym: Foolish
Antonym: Self-confident Sentence: Little man was sheepish when he fell into the gully while trying to escape the bus.

13 Temerity POS : Noun Definition: Boldness or contempt for danger
Synonym: Fearless Antonym: Fearful Sentence: Stacey had a certain temerity when he went to dig the trench that would later stop the bus; he was confident about his plan.

14 Honors Vocabulary

15 Enblazoned POS : Adj. Definition: Decorated Synonym: Elegant
Antonym: Disheveled Sentence: On the first day of school, everyone was dressed up in their emblazoned church clothes, as was Cassie.

16 Morosely POS : Adverb Definition: Sadly Synonym: Mournfully
Antonym: Joyfully Sentence: Cassie morosely walked away after she had to apologize to Lillian Jean. She hated doing it.

17 Pensively POS : Adverb Definition: Thoughtfully Synonym: Cognitively
Antonym: Selfish Sentence: Uncle Hammer pensively gave Stacey a new coat for church.; he was not sure he was mature enough to take care of it. Yay Kittens!

18 Undaunted POS : Adj. Definition: Not Bothered Synonym: Fearless
Antonym: Fearfull Sentence: Undaunted by his mom’s warnings, Stacey followed TJ up to the Wallace store.

19 Formidable POS : Noun Definition: Fearful-looking Synonym: Frightening
Antonym: Cuddily Sentence: Mr. Morrison was a very formidable man. He was very tall and muscular.

20 Sinewy POS : Adjective Definition: Physically tough Synonym: Vigorous
Antonym: Weak Sentence: Mr. Morrison was also a sinewy man, along with being formidable. You could see how strong he was.

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