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The Fall Of the Roman Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fall Of the Roman Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fall Of the Roman Empire

2 Economy Falls Pirates began to disrupt trade
Frequent Wars drained Treasury Soil became overused = less crops produced

3 Economy Falls (Cont.) Taxes forced people off land Inflation occurred
Drop in the value of money with a rise in prices

4 The Empire in Crisis: 3c

5 Military Problems Germanic tribes continued to beat Rome
Soldier loyal to only their commander Empire hired mercenaries Fought for money

6 Decay of Politics No longer an honor to serve in politics
Corruption rampant Rich and poor gap grew too far Lack of patriotism (pride in the empire)

7 Diocletian Reforms A.D. 245-313
Doubled size of the army Used prisoners of war and mercenaries Set prices for all goods All farmers to remain on their land

8 Empire Divided Roman Empire too large so he divided it
Greek speaking East (wealthiest) Latin speaking West (poorer) Ruler for each section Slowed the decline of the empire but because of ill health he retires. Plan for succession fails and civil war breaks out.

9 Diocletian Splits the Empire in Two: 294 CE

10 Constantine Won control of empire in Civil War
Moves Roman capital to Byzantine (Turkey) Renames city Constantinople Restores the rule of one emperor even though empire still split

11 Byzantium: The Eastern Roman Empire

12 Constantine:

13 Constantinople: “The 2nd Rome” (Founded in 330)

14 Constantine & Christianity
312: He saw a vision of the cross during the civil war Ordered all soldiers to put cross on shields 313: Edict of Milan Freedom to follow Christianity and any other religion

15 Here Come the Huns! Huns were Mongol invaders from Asia
Pushed out the Germans who began invading Roman lands in the East

16 Barbarian Invasions: 4c-5c

17 Rome Falls German king, Alaric, invades Rome and burns it in A.D. 410

18 Attila the Hun: “The Scourge of God”

19 Attila The Hun Attila unites the Huns and takes over 70 cities in the West The Pope was able to negotiate with Attila to stay out of Rome in 452 A.D. Never able to take Constantanople Rome was suffering from disease and famine which caused the population to die out and leave Rome

20 The Last Emperor West Emperor powerless
Last emperor was a 14 year old boy (Romulus Augustulus) deposed by German invaders in A.D. 476 East Empire (Byzantine) flourished until 1453

21 The Byzantine Empire During the Reign of Justinian

22 The Byzantine Emperor Justinian (Chapter 11)

23 Mr.Wells Hickory Ridge HS World History: Patterns of Interaction
RESOURCES Mr.Wells Hickory Ridge HS Sue Pojer Chappaqua, NY World History: Patterns of Interaction McDougal-Littell

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