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New Tool for Dads: A Compassionate Ear

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Presentation on theme: "New Tool for Dads: A Compassionate Ear"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Tool for Dads: A Compassionate Ear

2 Introduction What’s with men and tools?



5 BullsEye Auto-Leveling Laser w/ Stud Sensor
CROSSHAIR 90° Auto Leveling Laser

6 Sears Mosquito Magnet Defender


8 Nextar® GPS System

9 SATAN’S Lie: REAL Men Don’t Do Compassion
Men don’t do relationships Relationships are for women

10 God’s Call: Put On Compassion
Colossians 3:12 (p. 1167) Quite the “tool belt”… Compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience

11 God’s Call: Put On Compassion
Colossians 3:12 Ephesians 4:32 (p. 1159) Both  Compassion σπλάγχνος (splagch′nos)

12 God’s Call: Put On Compassion
Listen with Your HEART Listen to the feelings behind words and actions Hey, Dad? You busy?

13 God’s Call: Put On Compassion
FEEL Your Child’s PAIN What not to do…



16 God’s Call: Put On Compassion
FEEL Your Child’s PAIN

17 God’s Call: Put On Compassion
Be MOVED to Response

18 Conclusion LOVE one another DEEPLY – 1 Peter 4:8
One father’s response…



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