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Pesticide Regulatory Education Program

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1 Pesticide Regulatory Education Program
A 5-Year Cooperative Agreement with EPA November 2014 – October 2019 Carol Black, Project Manager Washington State University

2 PREP Steering Committee
Tim Drake, Committee Chair, South Carolina Department of Pesticide Regulation Steve Dwinell, Florida Department of Agriculture &Consumer Services Dennis Howard, Maryland Department of Agriculture Charles Moses, Nevada Department of Agriculture Bonnie Rabe, New Mexico Department of Agriculture Royan Teter, U.S. EPA, Region 7 Dan Helfgott, U.S. EPA Headquarters, Office of Pesticide Programs Liz Vizard, U.S. EPA Headquarters, Office of Compliance Non-voting Tim Creger, Nebraska Department of Agriculture (Director at Large) Tony Cofer, Alabama Department of Agriculture (Director at Large) Cary Giguere, Vermont Department of Agriculture, Food, & Markets (SFIREG liaison) Shirley Fan, PIRT Liaison George Saxton, Office of Indiana State Chemist (ASPCRO liaison) PREP Steering Committee

3 Suggest any planning group members or speakers for FY2016 Courses
Requests for SFIREG States, Territories, and Tribes, EPA, EPA Regions: Review the mailing list ( Send updates to Suggest any planning group members or speakers for FY2016 Courses

4 SLA, Apiary, Tribe Speakers
2015 PREP Season Summary Course Name State/Territory SLA Tribe Participants EPA Participants SLA, Apiary, Tribe Speakers Total Laboratory Issues, 4-day, Savannah, GA 24 1 Canada 2 28 Pollinator Protection, 4-day, Portland, OR 23 3 4 6 36 Registration & Re-evaluation, 4-day, Arlington, VA 21 Worker Protection, 3-day, San Diego, CA 33 1 41 Total PREP Participants 101 8 11 128 Special 3-Day Tribal Pollinator Protection Course (not PREP) 37 40 State or Territory SLA, Tribe, & EPA Speaker in chart indicates person attended the entire PREP course. Mean number of state, territory tribe participants: 27 per course

5 Noteworthy for FY15: Expenses for FY2015 indicate 2+ more attendees for each PREP in FY2016 Worker Protection PREP: Had to reschedule and relocate; EPA PDFs and PPTs posted to archive library. Canadian PMRA participant at Lab PREP; NASDA participant at Pollinator PREP. Twenty-three (23) EPA managers & staff were teaching faculty in the Registration & Re- evaluation PREP.

6 Noteworthy for FY15: Rescission of $3,508 reduced the total $535K allocation for FY2015 funding. Of PREP funding, $35K is allocated to tribal participation, a slight increase over previous years. WSU also hosted a Tribal Pollinator Protection Course in Spokane, Washington in October 2015; this was separate funds and a stand-alone Agreement.

7 Pesticide Mgmt and Emerging Issues Indianapolis, IN October 24-27
Compliance and Enforcement Asheville, NC May 2-5 Comprehensive Combo New Mexico September 26-30 Worker Protection Standard Implementation Florida June 6-9 Pesticide Mgmt and Emerging Issues Indianapolis, IN October 24-27 Course Line Up for 2016

8 PREP Contacts WSU PREP Staff: Carol Black, Wendy Sue Wheeler, Ashley Hayes, Becky Maguire, Carrie Foss EPA Project Officer: Dea Zimmerman WSU PREP PREP Website:

9 Predominant wind ----- Meeting Notes (12/8/15 11:41) -----
joint pirt prep will have a strong wps component, but other aspects will be addressed as well. Predominant wind

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