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Warm up: 5 6 + 3 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up: 5 6 + 3 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up:

2 Unit Rate

3 Vocabulary Rate- a ratio in which two different objects are compared.
Unit Rate- rate for one specific object. Unit rates must have a denominator of 1.

4 Examples Rate: 150 heartbeats 2 minutes Unit Rate (Divide to get it):
150 ÷ 2 = 75 heartbeats per minute.

5 Find the Unit Rate Rhonda bought her son an inflatable pool for the summer. It took her twenty minutes to fill the pool to a depth of 6 inches. What is the unit rate per minute? (inches per minute) What is the unit rate per inch? (minutes per inch)

6 Find the Unit Rate Joey and his family are on a 2-week bicycling trip. They travel a constant number of miles each day. Determine the rate, in miles, at which Joey rides his bicycle each day. Days Miles 3 105 7 245 10 350 12 420

7 Find the Unit Rate Geoffrey Mutai won the 2013 New York City Marathon with a time of hours. The yearly even it’s a 26.2 mile run. If Geoffrey runs at a constant rate, how many miles did he run per hour?

8 Comparing Unit Prices Use division to find the unit prices of the two products in question. The unit rate that is smaller (costs less) is the better value.

9 Find the Unit Rate Horizon Cellular offers a monthly plan of $15 for 350 minutes. All-Talk Cellular offers a monthly plan of $20 for 425 minutes. Which company offers the better plan per minute? Justify your answer.

10 Find the Unit Rate The student council is going on a field trip There are 5 officers, 5 sixth grade reps., 8 seventh grade reps., and 12 eighth grade reps. Two faculty advisors, 3 parent volunteers and 1 principal are joining the students per adult going on the field trip.

11 Find the Unit Rate Mrs. O’Brien purchases 112 ounces of detergent for $ Mr. O’Brien purchases a 17.5 pound container of laundry detergent for $ What is the difference in the unit price per ounce for the laundry detergents Mr. and Mrs. O’Brien purchase?

12 Homework Time Turn your page over an begin working on the back
Homework Time Turn your page over an begin working on the back. Anything not completed in class will be homework. Must show work.

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