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Compliment someone on something they did.

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1 Compliment someone on something they did.
Look in the mirror and smile at yourself. Give someone in your family a hug. Help carry the groceries to or from the car. Smile and say “Good Morning” to someone in class. Pass along a great book recommendation to a classmate. Push in a chair for a classmate. Give a friend a high five for no reason at all. Send a letter to a veteran or overseas soldier. Fold the laundry even if it’s not your job. Invite someone Who is alone to play with you and your friends. Write a note to a teacher or staff member who has helped you. Pick up a piece of litter. Leave a note of thanks for the mail delivery person. Tell someone you appreciate him or her. Donate to a cause you are passionate about. Compliment A staff member On something they are Doing for the building. Call a family member and tell them you love them. Teach someone younger how to do something. Offer to do something nice for a neighbor. Shop or eat at A local family owned business. Bake brownies or cookies for a loved one. Thank your principal for making your school a better place. Congratulations for completing the 30-challenge. Wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug. Leave a penny heads up for someone to find. Surprise your teacher with a book from the book fair.

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