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I can use what I know about powers to find area and volume.

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1 I can use what I know about powers to find area and volume.
Squared or Cubed? Unit 1.09

2 Area: The area of a flat figure is the number of unit squares that can be contained within it. To find the area of a square, use the formula: A = s2 units2, s = side length Example: Find the area of the square above. 4 in. s A = 42 = 16 in2

3 Volume: The volume of a 3D figure is the number of unit cubes that can be contained within it. To find the volume of a cube, use the formula: V = s3 units3, s = side length Example: Find the volume of the cube above. 5 cm. s V = 53 = 125 cm3

4 Find the area and volume.
1. s = s = 4a s = 6mn2 A = 122 = 144 A = (4a)2 = 16a2 A = (6mn2)2 = 36m2n4 V = 123 = 1728 V = (4a)3 = 64a3 V = (6mn2)3 = 216m3n6

5 Find the area or volume. Annemarie is working on her yard and needs grass for the lawn. She decides to lay sod. Her yard is square in shape and is 23.5 feet long. Does Annemarie need to calculate the area or the volume of the lawn in order to know how much sod she’ll need? How much sod does Annemarie need to cover the lawn? A = ft2 = ft2

6 Homework Time!  1.09 Exponential Word Problems WS
I can use what I know about powers to find area and volume. Homework Time!  1.09 Exponential Word Problems WS

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