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Student Access and Success Leadership Council

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1 Student Access and Success Leadership Council
August 24, 2016

2 New Faculty Members- Need a quorum of six
Please nominate a faculty C0- chair Rosa Ramos LaNeshia Judon James Knoeroem I-Ching Tsai Eddie Perez Michelle Pfenninger Oliver Thompson Pam Crampton Elizabeth Thompson Eagle Nini Dyogo

3 New Staff Members Tony Ortiz-Co-Chair Sharice Fox Bonnie Langley
Lilia Acevedo Steve Purdy Refal Helszer

4 New Administrative Chair
Dr. FaRita Carter Vice President of Student Services

5 Accreditation Standards Workgroup
All Co-chairs Dean of Enrollment Vice President of Student Services

6 II.B.3.a. the institution assures equitable access to all of its students by providing appropriate, comprehensive, and reliable services to students regardless of service location or delivery method. Actionable Improvement Plan Develop a user friendly comprehensive degree audit system that includes the evaluation of courses from the most common transfer institutions.  (Update by Admission & Records, Vice Presidents Information Services Committee) Share student data from the admissions application to allow department chairs and deans of instruction the ability to identity students who selected an AST or AAT in their particular disciplines.(Update by Dean of Institutional Effectiveness)

7 II.B.3.c The institution designs, maintains and evaluates counseling and/or academic advising programs to support student development and success and prepares faculty and other personnel responsible for the advising function. Implement an online student educational planning tool. (Update by Counseling, Admission & Records, Vice Presidents Information Services Committee) Define the role of faculty advisors, and identify the specific training these advisors will need to assist students in the ADT. (Update by Counseling, Professor Kathleen Sell and Title 5 Director)

8 15-16 Discussion Topics & Work Groups
SSSP Workgroup-monthly Equity Workgroup-TBD Standard II 3 B Accreditation Workgroup-meet as needed College Event Discussions and Updates New Student Services Building Enrollment Services Updates Pathway Support Program Discussions

9 Joint SAS, ACTPIS, Equity and SSSP Planning Meeting May 6th 2014
Discussion Groups: Assessment/SSSP Orientation/SSSP Counseling and Advising/SSSP At Risk (aka probation)/SSSP Special Population/Equity Transfer Course Strategies/Equity

10 Orientation In 2014-15 RCC provided Orientation to 9,134.
Examples of SSSP Orientation Projects: Reorganize Matriculation process from Assessment Orientation Counseling to Orientation Assessment Counseling for fall 2016 Purchased new On-line Orientation software and pilot new Orientation in Fall 2016 Welcome To RCC Day*-Summer 2015 (Program has grown from 500 students to 1,587) Cecilia

11 Assessment In 2014-15 RCC assessed 7,604.
Examples of SSSP Assessment Projects: Hire 2 additional Full time Assessment Specialist Offer Assessment in evenings, Saturdays and at high schools Multiple Measures Summer Pilot Increase size of Assessment Center and computer slots Cecilia

12 Counseling & Advisement
In RCC counseled and advised 34,535. In RCC counseled and advised 34,878 Examples of Counseling and Advisement Projects: Route to RCC Day​ Counselor to Counselor Day ​* Welcome To RCC Day* Pathway Support Program-5 New Ed Advisors Hire Two counselors in Spring 2016 Cecilia

13 SSSP Allocation Student Success & Support Program
SSSP Total Allocation for 15-16 $305 million SSSP Advanced Allocation for 16-17 $244 million

14 Equity Workgroup The workgroup is led by Professor Kristi Woods
15-16 Equity Allocation $3,608,172 16-17 Advanced Allocation $2,886,538

15 State Chancellor Office News
State Chancellor Office News! Suspension of SSSP, Equity, and Basic Skills Plans for The State Chancellor's Office is suspending the requirement for colleges to submit plans in these areas for the Fiscal Year 16/17 only. The requirement to submit a plan will resume in FY 17/18. During this one-year hiatus, the state Academic Affairs and Student Services—the two divisions that oversee these three areas—will investigate how to merge the three plans into one plan that covers all three areas.  It is believed that students are better served when efficiency goes up, duplication goes down, and articulation and coordination are increased.

16 New SASLC Projects for 15-16
Begin the Community Engagement Plan Work with the RCC Portal Committee to ensure its completion Continue planning and budgeting for the NEW Equity/SSSP/Basic Skills grant.

17 Standard SASLC Meeting Process
Meet once per month Take official minutes at each meeting Ensure that a quorum of 50% plus one is reached before beginning meeting Schedule a semester joint meeting with ACTPIS, Equity and SSSP to discuss, update and plan out SSSP and Equity

18 Thank You

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