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Arduino Basics Connect Arduino to USB port

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Presentation on theme: "Arduino Basics Connect Arduino to USB port"— Presentation transcript:

1 Arduino Basics Connect Arduino to USB port
Open the Arduino folder on the desktop Run arduino.exe Tools/Port/select the one that says (Arduino) File/Examples/01.Basics/Blink Ctrl-U (Upload) and wait... Watch the LED blink :)

2 What does this code do? /*.....*/ or // are comments (ignored by the Arduino) void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); }

3 Main Loop void loop() { digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // LED on
delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW); // LED off }

4 Preparing to Control the HexBug
File/Examples/12.HexBug/Init Ctrl-U Connect the HexBug remote to the Arduino

5 Preparing to Control the HexBug
File/Examples/12.HexBug/Init Ctrl-U Connect the HexBug remote to the Arduino Slide the HexBug's power switch to 1 or 2, depending on the number on the back of the remote control Note that the HexBug times-out after a while, so it it's not responding, try turnint it off and on again

6 First HexBug Program File/Examples/12.HexBug/KBTest Ctrl-U
Tools/Serial Monitor Type f b l or r (forward backward left or right) and hit ENTER The HexBug should respond accordingly

7 Other Programs Try other examples in 12.HexBug
(Code1-Code7 are described in the handout)

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