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April 14 Survey Malden River & Mystic mainstem in Medford, Somerville, Everett and Boston First – talk about survey area in general & Look at some maps.

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Presentation on theme: "April 14 Survey Malden River & Mystic mainstem in Medford, Somerville, Everett and Boston First – talk about survey area in general & Look at some maps."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 14 Survey Malden River & Mystic mainstem in Medford, Somerville, Everett and Boston First – talk about survey area in general & Look at some maps This should help us think about how to best do these surveys in an urban environment Then, we’ll look at specific segment and think about how this applies to it Next, I’ll talk about how to get this info if you so desire Last, I’ll talk about the survey process & tasks And we’ll divvy up segments

2 Overview of survey area
OLIVER layers: USGS Waterbodies + Mass Towns

3 Orthophoto of survey area
OLIVER layers: Images/Orthophotos/Color 2005

4 Land use in survey area OLIVER layers: USGS Waterbodies + Physical resources/Land use Orange = multifamily residential Yellow = high density residential Grey = transportation Purple = industrial Green = open space

5 Impervious surface in survey area
OLIVER layers: USGS Waterbodies + Images/Impervious Surfaces Think about this wrt the ‘water budget’ GS described…

6 Elevation contours in survey area
OLIVER layers: USGS Waterbodies + Physical resources/Topography-Contours-30’ Lines & Labels Admirals Hill in chelsea Winter hill in somerville

7 How is this useful to the survey? … Think about your segment
Main land uses Are there major parcels, or is residential? What kind? Is it landscaped? Natural? Are there large expanses of impervious surface? Of parks? Are their roads nearby? Who owns them? Are they sandy or swept? What are the activities that go on in these areas? Kids playing, people walking dogs, construction, truck/fleet management? Are there commercial areas like stores or offices where people throw cigarette butts? Wash their cars? Feed geese? Look behind you! Concerned not just with the river, but direct abutters and the adjacent neighborhoods What is the topography? Where does stormwater come from? Where does it have a chance to pick up pollutants? And what can we do to fix this? Land use Notice clusters of industries, or other like land uses. Roads - What is drainage like? Are there catch-basins? Activities - Places where educational materials are appropriate? Go thru “Tips”

8 Overview of segment: Assembly Square START: RT 28 END: FENCE S OF DRAW7 PARK Helpful for the names of street, shopping malls And to find your segment Most of south bank is accessible by a path

9 Orthophoto of segment SOUTH-WEST BANK- FEATURES: RT 28


11 Land use in segment Blue-green = urban open  ikea?
Orange = multifamily residential Yellow = high density residential Grey = transportation Purple = industrial Green = open space

12 Impervious surface in segment

13 Elevation contours in segment

14 Where to find map info MassGIS / Oliver Yahoo Maps GoogleEarth
Overview: OLIVER layers: USGS Waterbodies + Mass Towns Orthophoto: OLIVER layers: Images/Orthophotos/Color 2005 Land use: OLIVER layers: USGS Waterbodies + Physical resources/Land use Impervious surface: OLIVER layers: USGS Waterbodies + Images/Impervious Surfaces Elevation contours: OLIVER layers: USGS Waterbodies + Physical resources/Topography-Contours-30’ Lines & Labels Yahoo Maps GoogleEarth

15 The process April 9th and 10th: Training
April 14th [15th for some boaters] Do the survey Must return cameras & GPS that day Monday, April 22nd Return completed surveys to us Please neaten up MAP TABLE w/ GPS cells and pic descriptions May ?? Follow up meeting to discuss results and plan actions

16 Follow-up meeting suggestions

17 Survey segments

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