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Based on Garr Reynolds: Presentation Zen

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Presentation on theme: "Based on Garr Reynolds: Presentation Zen"— Presentation transcript:

1 Based on Garr Reynolds: Presentation Zen
PP slide design Based on Garr Reynolds: Presentation Zen

2 Rule of thirds

3 rule

4 ”Use visuals to enhance words, not duplicate!”
TED commandment

5 6 principles

6 1. Less is more

7 Eat only until 80% full

8 2. Pictures link to message

9 Individual action is insignificant

10 3. Quotations enhance message

11 ”No word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause” Mark Twain

12 6. Use contrasts Life is really simple, but we insist on making
it complicated Confucius

13 4. Direct the eye with visuals

14 Direct the eye

15 Direct the eye

16 Direct the eye

17 5. Use simple images

18 ”It takes one hour of preparation for each minute
of presentation time" Wayne Burgraff

19 6. Use contrasts

20 46% of mobile gamers are women

21 Basic guidelines for text slides
Limit amount of text during the presentation, you need to help your audience see where you are on your agenda, so keep them reminded of it. This way, they can keep anchored to the main points at all times. There are three ways to do this: First, be consistent in everything you do. Use the same wording on agenda slide as you use in backup slide headings, and use the same numbering system, if you are using one. If for example have three numbered items on the agenda, have these three numbered items as backup slide headings. Second, you can display your agenda slide repeatedly throughout the presentation, each time you are moving to a new main section. You should use some method to emphasize the upcoming section, e.g. by HIGHLIGHTING the text of the coming section in a different color, putting a box around the section to be discussed next, or inserting an arrow to point to the upcoming section. Let’s look at an example of this on the next slide. Third, if your presentation is long or complex, you can use running headers in your presentation to show where you are. They are in essence the same as running headers in books. Let’s look at p. 113 to see an example.

22 Communicating the change
Who communicates it, when and how? What materials are used? Who prepares the materials? Who needs to approve them? Who arranges information sessions for personnel directly affected by the change? Who informs those employees directly affected who are not in the office (maternity leave, travelling, on holiday)? Where do people directly affected get more information? Who can they talk to and ask questions from? Is communications needed to internal or external customers? To cooperation partners/subcontractors? To personnel representatives? Who does it, how and when? How is the change communicated to the rest of the organisation? How is the change communicated externally - to press, to community, to investors? What is the budget for communications (costs and needed resources)? How is success measured?

23 Communicating the change
Assemble change team Decide on timing Arrange information sessions for personnel Inform whole organization of change Set-up information centre

24 Basic guidelines for text slides
Limit amount of text Use minimum 18 font Choose solid background Put key ideas only Consider parallelism

25 Parallelism Avoid overuse of emphatic fonts Articles can be left out
White is a good color for background What should be done?  No parallelism, all items grammatically different  Difficult to comprehend

26 Parallelism Avoid overuse of emphatic fonts Leave out articles
Choose white for background color Be consistent  Parallel, grammatically similar items  Easier to process

27 Basic guidelines for text slides
Obey 6x6x6 rule Use minimum 18 font Choose solid background Put key ideas only Consider parallelism Use message headings during the presentation, you need to help your audience see where you are on your agenda, so keep them reminded of it. This way, they can keep anchored to the main points at all times. There are three ways to do this: First, be consistent in everything you do. Use the same wording on agenda slide as you use in backup slide headings, and use the same numbering system, if you are using one. If for example have three numbered items on the agenda, have these three numbered items as backup slide headings. Second, you can display your agenda slide repeatedly throughout the presentation, each time you are moving to a new main section. You should use some method to emphasize the upcoming section, e.g. by HIGHLIGHTING the text of the coming section in a different color, putting a box around the section to be discussed next, or inserting an arrow to point to the upcoming section. Let’s look at an example of this on the next slide. Third, if your presentation is long or complex, you can use running headers in your presentation to show where you are. They are in essence the same as running headers in books. Let’s look at p. 113 to see an example.

28 Ice cream consumption 4,5 l 4,3 l 3,5 l Liters per person 2,5 l

29 People eat most ice cream in winter
Liters per person 2,5 l

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