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Integration of students with disabilities at ‘El Nicolás’

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1 Integration of students with disabilities at ‘El Nicolás’

2 At El Nicolás we have two groups to which we pay special attention in terms of integration:
One group of PFPA (Adapted Vocational Training course) aimed at gardening activities. With this group we try to teach basic abilities to develop a future job in the gardening sector, as well as basic competences in the school curricula that might be useful in their daily lives, once they leave our school. One Enclave group, aimed at students with some serious disabilities. With this group we aim to educate them in basic aspects in life so that they can have as much as autonomy as possible in their future lives. With both groups we have developed, among others, these activities:

3 Basic Vocational Training group
working in the field and gardens of the school, cleaning it, planting vegetables and other plants…

4 Showing and selling the same things they grow…

5 Decorating the gardens and other spaces of our school

6 Making wonderful Christmas trees for our enjoyment…


8 Special Education group
Doing usual chores at home…

9 In the kitchen

10 Activities inside the school…

11 .. and outside school.


13 Their contribution to our Day for Peace
Their Christmas tree


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