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Diagrammatic representation of vascular (vasodilatation) and exudative changes (humeral and cellular) involved in inflammatory process.

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Presentation on theme: "Diagrammatic representation of vascular (vasodilatation) and exudative changes (humeral and cellular) involved in inflammatory process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diagrammatic representation of vascular (vasodilatation) and exudative changes (humeral and cellular) involved in inflammatory process.

2 Diagram showing sequence of movement of leukocytes in inflammatory process (margination, adhesion and emigration).

3 sequence of cellular response in acute inflammation including margination, adhesion, emigration and phagocytosis

4 Diagrammatic illustration to show the steps of cellular movement and phagocytosis.

5 Mammalian blood film showing neutrophils characterized by segmented nucleus

6 Liver showing eosinophils aggregation
Liver showing eosinophils aggregation. The eosinophils characterized by segmented nucleus with eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules. H&E

7 Acute lymphocytic inflammation showing aggregation of lymphocytes characterized by dark non segmented nucleus. H&E

8 Lymph node of cattle suffering from chronic lymphadenitis showing aggregation of macrophages. H&E

9 : Granuloma showing Langhan's giant cell characterized by nuclei placed around the periphery (horseshoe). H&E

10 Blastomycosis showing two types of giant cells langhan's and foreign body giant cells. H&E

11 Microscopic picture of brain showing acute inflammation
Microscopic picture of brain showing acute inflammation. The inflamed tissue shows congested and dilated blood vessels and inflammatory cells mainly neutrophils. H&E.

12 Microscopic picture of chronic inflammation in lung
Microscopic picture of chronic inflammation in lung. The inflammatory cells consisted mainly from macrophages and giant cells.

13 : Lung, Micro, serous inflammation
: Lung, Micro, serous inflammation. The alveoli contain pale eosinophilic fluid and inflammatory cells. The interalveolar capillaries are congested. H&E

14 Lung showing acute suppurative inflammation characterized by vascular (congested blood vessel) and cellular reaction (Neutrophils). H&E

15 Microscopic picture of inflammatory exudate showing dark pink fibrin threads and inflammatory cells. H&E

16 Lung, Micro, fibrinous inflammation
Lung, Micro, fibrinous inflammation. The alveoli are filed with fibrin threads beside inflammatory cells and congested interalveolar capillaries. H&E

17 Brain, Micro, hemorrhagic inflammation
Brain, Micro, hemorrhagic inflammation. High power of the previous figure to show the inflammatory exudate consists from erythrocytes and neutrophils. H&E.

18 Brain, Micro, lymphocytic inflammation
Brain, Micro, lymphocytic inflammation. The lymphocytes are seen in Virchow Rubin space. H&E

19 Lung of mice infested with Schistosoma mansoni showing eosinophilic inflammation represented by peribronchial aggregation of eosinophils. H&E.

20 : Peritoneum, Gross, granulomatous inflammation

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