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Theory and Practice of Learning and Teaching

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1 Theory and Practice of Learning and Teaching
Week 1 Monday 27th February 2017

2 Week 1 Introduction: Course description: key points: Tutorial format:
Attendance/Access to Moodle/Protocols: Cell phones Course description: key points: Contacts / Assignment tasks / Dates / Requests for extensions, special consideration Tutorial format: Emphasis on group discussions/ whole class discussions Need to do pre-reading : Each week’s reading will be online

3 Mix and Meet Groups of 5 Meanings of M & M’s:
Blue = family Green = school Yellow = friends Red = hobbies Brown = music/movies Report to group facts about yourself Report to whole class one fact about person on your left

4 EDFGC5807 Theory and Practice of Learning and Teaching
Course Information (Moodle) Educational inquiry of pedagogy, curriculum and assessment Course Description Course Sequence Assessment Tasks Resources Readings

5 What is Education? 1. the act or process of acquiring knowledge, especially systematically during childhood and adolescence 2. the knowledge or training acquired by this process: his education has been invaluable to him 3. the act or process of imparting knowledge, especially at a school, college, or university: education is my profession 4. the theory of teaching and learning: a course in education 5. a particular kind of instruction or training: a university education ; consumer education Reference: Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.

6 What is Learning? To learn is:
to gain knowledge of (something) or acquire skill in (some art or practice) to commit to memory to gain by experience to become informed; know Reference: Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 10th Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.

7 Learning and Teaching To teach is to impart knowledge or skill, while to learn is to acquire knowledge or skill by study. The two are antonyms of one another. Discuss Create a mind map of teaching and learning

8 Discussion How do we learn? How do we become educated?
Are you a successful learner? What factors make you a successful learner? Who are you? Why are you here? Why do you want to become a teacher? Why do you want to become a primary teacher?

9 Reading/Discussion In the deep end (Reading from Churchill 2013)

10 Personal Practical Knowledge
What is tacit knowledge? It is the knowledge of ideas, concepts, cultural norms and even habits that you have built through your personal and educational life that have become so taken for granted that you are no longer aware of them or even able to articulate them. Van Manen (1995) describes it as ‘embodied knowledge’ or tact, a felt sense of context, a sense of self within that context, and a sense of the participants and the mood of that world. p. 492 Churchill (2013).

11 Personal/life Experiences (Components of Teacher Wisdom)
Our personal and life experiences may present a complementary or contradictory lens through which you see the current events and context. We may have differing personal beliefs and values and different personal characteristics that we take into a classroom e.g. a sense of humour Write a personal characteristic that you would take into the classroom.

12 See Think Wonder

13 See Think Wonder

14 See Think Wonder

15 See Think Wonder

16 Churchill et al., Chapter 1
Churchill talks about: Teaching in the twenty-first century How did your own schooling shape your views on learning and teaching? Developing a teacher identity (own values and beliefs) The continuum of teacher professional knowledge (p.6) AITSL standards Teacher registration Pedagogy Reflective Practice

17 National Professional Standards
Domains of Teaching Standards Professional Knowledge Know students and how they learn. Know the content and how to teach it. Professional Practice 3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning. 4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments. 5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning. Professional Engagement 6. Engage in professional learning. 7. Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community.

18 Pedagogy What is your understanding of pedagogy?
Why is pedagogy important? Pedagogy is a term used to describe the art, science or strategies of teaching based professional knowledge and reflective practice. General pedagogical knowledge is the knowledge of the theories of effective teaching. Pedagogical content knowledge is knowledge of specific subject matter to be taught and how to teach that content. Pedagogy is closely related to curriculum, which describes the educational content to be taught. Churchill et al., (2013, p.30) The Australian Curriculum

19 Teacher Identity The following processes form a teacher’s identity:
Own experiences and experiences of colleagues, peers, mentors known as ‘story of teaching’ Construction of expectations and understandings of education – theoretical approaches Teacher values and beliefs in action – making decisions about what to teach and how to teach it based on professional knowledge Teachers and learners – the who, subject matter – the what, instructional methods – the how (shaping of identity, belief formation, professional thinking and decision making) Churchill et al., (2013)

20 Reflective Practice Reflective practice is the commitment to constantly review one’s beliefs and practices, the theories and ideas underpinning them, and the outcomes observed, in order to learn from them and improve upon them.

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