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2 The Physical Setting Africa has many different physical features.
Plateau – an area of land raised above the surrounding land, with a flat surface Savanna – areas of dry grassland Tropical rain forest & jungle – tall trees, wide variety of plants, usually gets about 100 inches of rain per year Desert – extremely dry areas with less than 10 inches of rain per year

3 African history

4 African history Early Africans did not have a written language.
Much of what we know comes from stories, poems, and songs passed from one generation to another. In recent years, archaeologists have excavated sites in Africa to learn more about the earliest Africans.

5 The people of Africa

6 The Bantu People Africa is a country with hundreds of different cultures and ethnic groups. One of the most important groups are the Bantu.

7 The Bantu people “Bantu” is a term used to refer to the more than 400 ethnic groups in Africa that have similar language and customs. They were given the name “Bantu” because of the similarities between their languages.

8 The Bantu migration The Bantu people originally came from the Middle East. They settle in West Africa, but later migrated over large parts of the African continent. Migration – The systematic movement of a group of people.

9 Reasons for migration:
The Bantu migration Reasons for migration: Drying up of the Sahara grasslands hurt agriculture – needed new farmland. Population increase – needed more space. Disputes over who should take over when a king died – people would fight & some would leave to start their own group. Tribal wars Adventure Expansion of territory

10 The Bantu migration The migration happened in 3 phases 1st phase –
Around 400 B.C. Passed through the Congo Forest Settled in the area near the Congo River Settled because of fertile land, good rainfall, and good land for animals to graze on. Interacted with the Portuguese – were introduced to maize, sweet potatoes, and bananas.

11 2nd phase – The Bantu migration Around 1300 B.C.
Settled on the western side of Lake Malawi Descendants include the Tumbuka, Kamanga, and Tonga of Malawi Another group took a shortcut and settled near the Zambezi River

12 3rd phase – The Bantu migration
Between 1000 B.C. and the late 1300s B.C. Originally settled in Mashonland. Were forced out by groups like the Rozwi, Shona, and Karanga. Finally settled in South Africa near the Kalahari Desert.

13 West African kingdoms

14 West africa Many important societies started in West Africa. Ghana
Mali Songhai

15 Ghana Ghana was the earliest West African kingdom.
Established by the Soninke people Participated in the gold-for-salt trade Extremely profitable Used iron tools to farm & clear land for grazing animals. Developed agriculture along the Niger River

16 Ghana Kings ruled Ghana
Acted as war leaders and negotiated trade with foreign merchants. Built large armies to conquer new territory. Most important ruler – Tunka Manin. Led a huge army & gained new territory. Empire began to decline when the kingdom lost control of the salt trade. In 1234 the Malinke people overthrew Ghana and established the empire of Mali.

17 mali Began after the fall of Ghana
Took over the area where Ghana had been and spread to the north and west. The greatest ruler was Mansa Musa. Developed education, arts, and public building. The city of Timbuktu became a center for education. Had a large university that attracted scholars from Egypt and Arabia.

18 mali Disputes over who would rule when Mansa Musa was gone weakened Mali. In 1468 the rebel leader Sonni Ali captured Timbuktu and built the empire of Songhai.

19 Songhai Started after the fall of the Mali empire.
The kingdom centered around the trading city of Gao. Stretched from the Altantic Ocean to Lake Chad.

20 Songhai Sonni Ali kept tight control over the kingdom and divided it into several provinces. Each province had a governor and other government officials who reported directly to him. Built warships to patrol the Niger River. Mohammed Askia took control after Ali died. Made Timbuktu and commercial center Problems started when Askia died. People fought among themselves and were eventually defeated by the Moroccan army.

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