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Too Much Salt and Pepper

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1 Too Much Salt and Pepper
Daily Oral Language Week 3

2 Sentence 1 well he answered i seen five deer three wolf and too fox. how many goose did you see

3 Sentence 2 sam told many stories about the to porcupines antics in the deep woods. we swatted fly and mosquito as we listened

4 Sentence 3 one tiny frogs call was louder than six birds songs. cant you here the din

5 Sentence 4 Change the underlined nouns to plural.
the bird took to the cloud with squawk and chirp. unbelievably the creature displeasure could be heard by the most distant neighbor

6 Sentence 5 Combine these sentences into one using possessive nouns.
salt and pepper chewed on wood. their chewing kept sam and giny awake at night

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