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Source Technologies and Magnets

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Presentation on theme: "Source Technologies and Magnets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Source Technologies and Magnets
Marco Carlone, PhD BC Cancer Agency Kelowna, BC, Canada October, 27, 2017

2 Linac Beam Stability Marco Carlone, PhD BC Cancer Agency
Kelowna, BC, Canada October, 27, 2017

3 About the presenter

4 Kelowna, BC, Canada 4


6 Some relevant quotes for this workshop
“A stable linac is a better linac” Don Petzold

7 Some relevant quotes for this workshop
“A stable linac is a better linac” Don Petzold “But you never can tell with linacs” If Winnie the Pooh had been a linac engineer

8 Electron Guns Create electrons.
Inject electrons into the accelerating waveguide (AWG). Facilitate the acceleration of the e- to high energies.


10 Gun Types Diode Guns Cathode and Anode only
Current control is through temperature regulation Triode Guns Cathode, Anode and Grid Current control is through activation of the grid Photo Cathode RF Guns Gate emission with laser High Peak currents, low average currents Cold Cathodes Low peak currents Emitter materials not yet optimized

11 Diode Guns Hot filament More electrons Cold filament Less electrons
Search YouTube: Elekta Linac

12 Diode Gun Failure Filaments heating is greatest at the centre, causing failure at the filament centre

13 Triode Guns Courtesy Varian Medical Systems

14 Accelerator Beam Current
Pierce type electron gun (space charge limited) Courtesy Siemens Medical Solutions iACC = k ( ) pV 3 2 ( ) Vgrid Vcut P = Perveance

15 Consequences of wandering emission spot from cathode
Radial position of electron beam wanders. Affects electron bunching. Affects the radial acceleration of electron bunches. Affects beam spot on target. Affects beam symmetry.

16 Binding (Attaching) electrons to Accelerator RF field
Electron must have sufficient energy to match to the phase velocity of the RF Field. Energy spread of the electrons depends on the phase difference between the injected electron and RF field.

17 Injected Electron Energy
Karzmark, Electron Linear Accelerators

18 Phase dependence of Electron Acceleration
Humphreys, Principles of Charged Particle Accelerators

19 Energy Distribution as a function of phase acceptance
Humphreys, Principles of Charged Particle Accelerators


21 Diode Gun Control

22 Triode Gun Control

23 Holy Grail for linac electron sources
Synchronize the phase of electron injection with RF field in the linac first cavity. Improves energy stability Improves radial beam acceleration Remove requirement for heating to eject electrons Remove High Voltage requirement

24 Diamond Field emmiters
Cell geometry and field strength to control emission

25 Magnetic systems for linacs
Guide electrons towards the target. Minimize electron beam defocussing. Improve beam stability For systems with a bend magnet

26 Bending Magnet is a Filter
Electron energy is matched with the bending magnet pass through energy

27 Bending Magnet is a Filter
Electron energy is too low for the bending magnet

28 Bending Magnet is a Filter
Electron energy is too high for bending magnet

29 Bending Magnet is Linear

30 Bending Magnets are designed to be achromatic
Karzmark, Medical Electron Accelerators

31 The Medical Physicists three best friends
The bending magnet

32 The Medical Physicists three best friends
The bending magnet

33 The Medical Physicists three best friends
The bending magnet

34 The Medical Physicists three best friends
The bending magnet The bending magnet ensures energy stability It is essentially linear in energy response

35 Focusing solenoids Varian Training Materials

36 Focusing solenoids Varian Training Materials

37 Focusing of electrons during the accelerating process
R.B. Palmer, PRISM Workshop, 2005

38 Defocusing Focusing e- direction v v B F Bz Bz B F B B v F F Br Br v v

39 Waveguide dependence on focus magnet
Required for all travelling waveguides. Not required for 6 MeV standing short wave linac. Not required for Siemens 8067 standing wave linac. Not required for Therac-25 Required for Varian standing waveguide with energy switch.

40 Some design requirements
Linac electron source: eliminate HV stage. Eliminate filament heating. Automatic phase synchronization with RF Magnet systems Simplified energy stability (re-think the 270 degree bend magnet). Waveguides that do not need a focus magnet, and are stable with orientation in earth’s B field.

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