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Content Management System

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1 Content Management System
Information Session

2 Discussion Summary CMS Overview Demonstration
CMS Migration Decision Criteria Information Resources McMaster University

3 McMaster Web History Centrally managed web services
Moved to distributed web services Current web services difficult to manage as they are spread over a large support base History Overview - McMaster University

4 Past/Current Setup *Each group required its own hardware, hardware technicians, web admins, and development tools. Tools required by all content providers. History Overview - McMaster University

5 Future Setup with CMS *CIS manages server hardware, and hardware technicians. Each group has a web admin and one set of development tools. Content providers may edit content directly through the internet. History Overview - McMaster University

6 What is a CMS? How does it work? Tool to manage website content
Depository for information How does it work? Data from content providers is stored in a central database, not static HTML CMS Overview - McMaster University

7 What is our CMS? Ektron eMPower
Requires a Cold Fusion application server Requires an Internet Explorer web plugin for content editors Utilizes an extension plugin for Dreamweaver Find more details at CMS Overview - McMaster University

8 CMS Workflow Web administrator designs webpage template
Web administrator adds eMPower CMS tags called “content blocks” to webpage template using CMS Web administrator positions content blocks in webpage using Dreamweaver Content provider logs in, updates content block, and logs out CMS Overview - McMaster University

9 CMS DEMO Request a trial account Demo - McMaster University

10 CMS Licensing One license allows unlimited installations per parent domain ie all one license Limited number of URLs based on “vanity licensing” ie. CMS Considerations - McMaster University

11 Things to Consider Who is the administrator and/or how many do we have? Current and desired URL of the website Web applications running on current system, can we switch? Is the whole faculty/department moving? CMS Considerations - McMaster University

12 Making the Switch Request a demo site from or Attend administration training session Develop your site Migrate your site to the production server CMS Considerations - McMaster University

13 CMS Information Steve Way xt – Web Services Analyst for McMaster Faculty/department Web administrator Ektron Homepage McMaster CMS FAQ DailyNews Information Resources - McMaster University

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