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Improved Technology: Evaluating Device Modifications

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1 Improved Technology: Evaluating Device Modifications
Rhonda Robb Medtronic

2 Conflict of Interest Employee of Medtronic, Inc.

3 Cautionary Statement CoreValve is an Investigational device. Limited by federal (or United States) law to investigational use. Future TAVI systems are not currently available in the USA for clinical trials or for commercialization. Non-USA clinical evaluation for Engager is in progress. Not available for sale. These photographs, statements, and drawings pertain to new technology in clinical research and are not commercially available in the US or any other part of the world. Final design may differ materially from that presented.

4 CoreValve Experience Innovation & Evidence Fuel Growth New Markets
Serving Patients in Over 60 Countries US Japan Canada Chile Ukrane S. Korea Mexico India Taiwan 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Improved Delivery AccuTrak Expanded Populations Valve-in-Valve and TA New Access Options DA and Subclavian Expanded Treatment Range 31mm and Evolut 23mm

5 Valid Scientific Evidence
Changfu Wu, PhD FDA at DMD 2012

6 Computational Modeling
Valve durability: F.E.A. to optimize leaflet stresses and tissue bending AWT in circular and non-circular conditions Frame durability: Comprehensive, 3D characterization of in-vivo deformations F.E.A. for combined primary loading modes Highly-controlled, high cycle material fatigue testing Long-term frame fatigue testing for primary loading modes

7 Bench Testing Delivery System Testing: Valve Testing:
Hydrodynamic testing Valve durability testing to 200M cycles Frame structural integrity testing to 600M cycles (15 year in vivo equivalent) Loading simulations Delivery System Testing: Dimensional/Physical attribute testing Tensile strength to verify catheter integrity Catheter track testing through tortuous anatomies Simulated use testing with physicians Full system biocompatibility

8 Animal Study Acute and chronic animal studies No aortic stenosis model
Deliverability – acute Implant performance; 30, 90, 180 d No aortic stenosis model Additional tools to augment Visible Heart Lab for in vivo simulation Perfused Cadaver Animal models can often be used to bolster bench testing to show additional safety signals. We use them in two ways: First to understand acute performance of delivery and deployment Secondly to look at chronic effects/performance of the implant at multiple timepoints. We then harvest and perform histopathology Unfortunately there is not an animal model that provides aortic stenosis, so efficacy is not able to be determined. We are also able to look at a number of other simulated animal/cadaver models to look at acute performance as well

9 Clinical Trial: CoreValve® US Pivotal
Medtronic CoreValve US Pivotal Trial Up to 45 Sites Estimated Enrollment: 1497 Up to 687 790 Extreme Risk Cohort High Risk Cohort Iliofemoral Access? Randomization 1:1 No Yes Up to 200 487 395a 395 CoreValve Observational CoreValve Single Arm CoreValve SAVR Alternative Access Primary Endpoint: All-cause mortality or major 12 months (compare to perf goal) Primary Endpoint: All-cause 12 months

10 Clinical Data Confirm Efficacy and Optimize Practice
Expand Access to New Populations and Markets Augmenting with all of our international clinical data Demonstrate Safety and Efficacy 10

11 CoreValve Study Timeline
First Implants Dec 2010 Commercial Release Continued Access ER Enrollment Complete Jan 2012 ER FU Complete Feb 2013 SURTAVI US Start Continued Access HR Enrollment Complete Aug 2012 HR FU Complete Sep 2013 Expanded Use: Low output/low gradient, severe MR/TR, ESRD ViV DA & SC Access CoreValve 31 mm CoreValve Evolut 23mm AOA Anti-Calcification AccuTrak Delivery System EnVeo Delivery System

12 Medtronic TAVI Future Developments
Today CoreValve Evolut R EnVeo R w/InLine Sheath 23/26/29/31 EnVeo™ Delivery System Engager™ TAVI System Next Future TAVI Platform Future Mitral Advanced Tissue & Self Expanding Frame Constructs Procedural Solutions Compatible with CoreValve Evolut & CoreValve Legacy 26/29/31 mm Transapical and Direct Aortic TAVI system Adaptive Sheath, Guidewire

13 Evaluating Device Modifications
RCT to SOC High Single - Arm OPC TVT Degree of Change Medium Speed of Innovation, Market Forces, Ability to Execute Bench Low Low Medium High Degree of Risk

14 Challenges/Opportunities for Novel Devices
Guidance documents and precedents Development of increasingly relevant pre-clinical testing Risk Analysis to define/analyze potential adverse events Suitability of animal models Innovation moving faster than our ability to study Economics of current clinical path Risk analysis – if it’s a truly novel device, than not all risks will be identified until clinical – may cause redesign of product which has happened with most TAVI designs to date. Clinically relevant testing models difficult to develop and validate e.g. determining appropriate device loading modes without clinical data. How do we prove that strains are clinically relevant in the absence of clinical data for novel products? Animal models are not suitable for TAVI designs. Alternative option of modifying device to allow evaluation in animals. Long term nature of clinical evaluation means that we are coming to mkt in US with Gen 1 when Gen 2 or 3 is available in EU. Need mechanism to bridge to new iterations to accelerate innovation.

15 Thank You

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