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Saving the tropical rainforest hkgfgf

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1 Saving the tropical rainforest hkgfgf
Lauren Bretz

2 Rainforest Plants Provide Many Medicines
Rainforest plants include Quinine (used to treat malaria), tubocurarine (for muscles in heart surgery), Pilocrarpine (eye desease.) Many more medicines may be found.

3 Rain forests are important to regulating the planets climate.
The leaves of large trees in tropical rainforests give off 200 gallons of water a year through transportation.

4 The trees in Tropical Rainforests absorb huge amounts of carbon dioxide.
Tropical Rainforests limit global warming.. they take up huge portions of carbon dioxide.

5 Animals In the Rainforest
Rainforests have an abundance of animal life. Rainforests include: fish, amphibians,reptiles, birds, and mammals

6 Animals in the rainforest estivate (hibernate)
Rainforests hold 70% of the Earths plants and animals.

7 Bibliography Unknown. Rainforest. Web. 11 Feb 2010.
Unknown. Peters, Charles M. "Rain forest." World Book Student. World Book, Web. 11 Feb Unknown. "Tropical Rain Forests." Living Green. World Book, Web. 11 Feb Unknown. Rainforest. Web. 11 Feb 2010.

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