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Pacific CERT (PacCERT)

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1 Pacific CERT (PacCERT)
By: PacCERT Working Group

2 Background ITU Pacific Ministerial Forum, 19-20 Feb 09, Tonga
Ministers recognised the the growing incidence of cyber threats and the need for Pacific CERT Telecommunications ICT Policy and Regulation Meeting, 29 April – 1 May 2009, Fiji Forum officials endorsed setting up the PacCERT PacCERT to be hosted at USP Establish the PacCERT Working Group(PWG). PacCERT

3 PacCERT 1st PacCERT Working Group Meeting 25th Nov 2009
Establishing the PacCERT will require partnerships and cash and in-kind supports from partners. Countries should have their own national CERT. IMPACT plays an important role in assisting ITU Member States in establishing national CERTs. The PacCERT should promote and support Pacific Islands Countries and Territories to establish national CERTs. PacCERT

4 PWG Outcomes Location Governance
Confirmation of USP to host PacCERT at the Japan Pacific ICT Centre subject to official approval Governance PacCERT governed by an independent Board Members of the Board: Japan-Pacific ICT Centre PITA (communication operators) PICISOC (users) SOPAC SPC A representative from Polynesian countries A representative from Melanesian countries A representative from Micronesian countries A representative from Finance Sector PacCERT

5 PWG Outcomes Governance cont. Board to be chaired by USP
TOR of the PacCERT to be developed PacCERT Board ITU AusCERT IMPACT PITA PICISOC CROP Agencies Partnership Manager PacCERT Tech Officer Tech Officer PacCERT

6 PWG Outcomes Membership Services
Open to organisations in Pacific countries and teritories PacCERT to use AusCERT eligibility criteria as a guide to developing its eligibility criteria Services Phase 1 – Initial services Point-of-contact database Outreach programme (awareness raising) Advisory services PACCERT Portal Training/Mentoring PacCERT

7 PWG Outcomes Services cont. Staff Phase 2
Incident response coordination and action plan Technical assistance Staff Minimum 3 staff comprising of a manager and two technical persons. Staff salary should be competitive in order to attract staff with appropriate qualifications and skills. PacCERT

8 PWG Outcomes Financing:
The Working Group to seek support from governments, development agencies and Industry such as, but not limited to, Australian Government, ITU, ADB, The World Bank, JICA, Microsoft, and CISCO. USP will explore possible contributions for accommodation and provision of equipment. Costs of Training and Mentoring component should be supported by the ITU-EC project and other partners such as, but not limited to, PITA and IMPACT PacCERT

9 Milestones AusCERT be commissioned to develop a Business plan and Project plan PacCERT multi-partnership initiative Consultations with IMPACT and other CERTs Supervised by PacCERT Working Group Completed by end of January 2010 2nd PacCERT Working Group meeting Held tentatively in the 2nd week of February 2010. Business Plan and Project Plan to be presented Tentative residency of the PacCERT at the Japan Pacific ICT Centre to starts in April 2010. PacCERT

10 Recommendations for ICB4PIC Considerations
Support the PacCERT Working Group to develop and roll out awareness raising programme that may include: National workshops in partnerships with local stakeholders Radio/Video/Newspaper Build cyber security capacity of PICs Regional Train of Trainers (ToT) Specialised CERT training (e.g TRANSIT) IMPACT Training Partner in hosting a Pacific ICT Officials meeting followed by ICT Ministerial Meeting in early to mid 2010 PacCERT

11 Vinaka Vakalevu

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