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Career-Based Resources

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1 Career-Based Resources
Online tools and resources for ALL students

2 My Journey

3 My Journey Online career resources and tools
Teacher and student content Updated monthly Utilize sponsor content ~12 new lesson plans/month Aligned to national educational standards 216,922 page views in 2016 (log in required)

4 My Journey Usage-Overall

5 My Journey – Career Tools
The FFA Resume Generator AgExplorer Cover letter template Job interview tips Ag company spotlight Company career profiles Day in the life videos SAE videos and lesson plans SAE idea cards Habitudes

6 The FFA Resume Generator
Added to My Journey – June 2015 Step-by-step 9,118 started and 6,356 completed Average completion time = 20 minutes ALL students have opportunity




10 AgExplorer 9 career focus area pages
Includes the 8 agricultural pathways and agricultural education Each page includes a video highlighting each focus area Career profiles of 235 unique careers available in agriculture Career Finder interactive assessment to match students with potential careers

11 Successful Launch 419,987 total page views
Official launch (entire public, not just agriculture teachers) was August 1 August through November analytics: 419,987 total page views 393,737 unique visits to the site 50,764 visitors 7,606 video views 41,005 visits to the Career Finder launch page Most viewed career focus area pages: Animal Systems, Agribusiness Systems, Agricultural Education, Power, Structural and Technical Discovery Education termed this “one of the highest performing site launches” of any program they have

12 AgExplorer – Virtual Field Trips
6 virtual tours of sponsors to be produced over 3 years First one was with Ford in November 2016. 3 will be held in 2017. 2 will be held in 2018. Education and advocacy tool to increase knowledge of agriculture careers DE has shared the availability of this resource with its million+ users

13 Contact us: Ambra Tennery Sarah Dickinson

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