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Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace

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1 Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace
Chapter 8, 9 & 10 Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace

2 Eliza’s Daughters Chatterbots More interesting representations
Julia – MUD agent that provides information as well as entertaining conversation Fails Turing test Self-absorbed, evasive, and obsessive characters are easier to author More interesting representations Temporal model of character (salesman) Modeling inner life (PARRY and neurotic woman)

3 Goal-based Behavior Intelligent agents
Lyotard – goals change over time Cognitive simulation combining goals and feelings Interesting and potentially fun and useful but … “it seems like the very antithesis of what we value in literature, which is the careful examination of ambiguous situations open to multiple interpretations” Challenge of purely mathematical models Ad-hoc rules and glitches enable most human/intriguing actions Lyotard biting interactor Shrimp banging head on ground

4 Multi-character Environments
Simple joining of chatterbots Zippy meets Eliza Woggles Difficulty of interactor to focus on important activity Need for staging

5 Multicharacter Environments
Lessons from commedia dell’arte High-level scenario implying goals Stock characters Set of potential scripts/schemas for action Improvisation (simulation) for instantiation

6 Emergent Behavior Autonomous agents, particularly in combination, can walk away from plot Interaction is complex and unpredictable Ambivalence and the comically neurotic wolf

7 Emergent Behavior Flat vs. round characters
Flat are more likely to stay in character Random – flat pretending to be round Round characters exhibit revelation Consciousness as emergent behavior Simon’s argument about simulation Minsky’s meat machines

8 Emerging Formats Combining broadcast and participatory formats
From sequential, to simultaneous, to merged experience The serial drama archive and hyperserial Other ideas: Branching video, thought track, consensus narrative

9 Dual Screen Use From study in 2012

10 Interacting in Virtual Places
MUDs (to MMOGs) to VRs Moving from immersion and navigational agency to transformation? Tension between author and participants? Difference between game player and actor? Personal vs. social?

11 Virtual or Augmented Reality
Virtual reality enables greater immersion and channels for distance communication But takes us out of the here and now Good for stories but bad not great for collaboration or including the current context. Augmented Reality Enables media that are based on current context (physical and social). Can include pass-through of context

12 Hamlet on the Holodeck Conclusions
Narrative beauty is independent of the medium It helps us understand who we are and what we are doing here Procedural authorship is key Need to move from individual to social authorship? Narrative formulas must be refined for great work in a new media Juvenalia stage is necessary to explore formulas Future of media that combine pre-defined narrative elements/moments with emergent interactions among complex systems

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