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Shedd Aquarium Locations and Facts

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1 Shedd Aquarium Locations and Facts
By: Max Tran

2 Amazon Exhibit The Amazon exhibit was really interesting because first I did not know sting rays could also be fresh water. And there was also something that surprised me—it was a giant fish sculpture that was ten feet long which was its actual size! Also there was an exhibit of electric eels. I did not know that they were fresh water, too! The last exhibit that I saw was the turtles, and nothing really happened in there.

3 Coral Exhibit After exploring all of the tanks, I went into an elevator that led to the coral exhibit. It went into the wild reef. First, let’s talk about the coral exhibit. In the coral exhibit, I saw a little table surrounded by giant coral polyps! In one of the giant fake polyps, there was its internal organs and its guts and mostly everything inside it!

4 And also there was another exhibit attached to the wall
And also there was another exhibit attached to the wall. It was more coral, but a different kind of coral like brain coral and other kinds of coral. Since I don’t know much about coral, let’s move on to the wild reef! In the wild reef, I saw sharks and stingrays. There was also one giant stingray, too, and I’m not sure what else was in that tank. That’s all I can name right now!

5 Island Exhibit In the Island Exhibit, there was a statue of a turtle that was on a rock I think. Also, something else, there was a little wooden boat that had glass on it, and inside, there was a fish trap and a lantern and other things that people would use to catch fish with on islands.

6 Tide Pool Exhibit The tide pool exhibit was also really cool because in one tank, I saw a tide pool with waves hitting the water and fish inside, too. Somehow, I still don’t seem to know how they survive in there. On the other side of that tank were two men with a short fin maco shark jaw bone with teeth. Also, behind them, there was a fence and rocks behind it with a huge fish trap which was real!

7 Aquatic Show At the aquatic show, I saw one red-belly hawk, 3 beluga whales, and 3 dolphins. The first thing I saw was a beluga whale. The beluga whales were white and small for a whale. The whales were playing with three trainers. The trainers were tickling their throats and giving them fish. After that, they did a few tricks and then came the red-belly hawk.

8 The red-belly hawk went fully across the tank
The red-belly hawk went fully across the tank. And that was mostly all that it did. After that came the Pacific White-Sided dolphins. They did lots of tricks. One that they did was jump up and go back down. Everyone was clapping at that moment! And they did a few more tricks, and I forgot what tricks they did.

9 Bubble Net Food Court At the food court there were lots of drinks and pizza and other food. The things I had for lunch were a sprite and cheese pizza.

10 The Jellies The Jellies were a special exhibit that only lasted a whole month. The two species of jellies I knew that were in there were the sun and the moon. The moon jellies are blind and keep bumping into each other. Inside the moon jelly tank, there were many jellies. I saw lots of adults, children, and baby jellies. I thought they looked like little mushrooms floating around in water.

11 There were so many jellies I couldn’t name because I do not know a lot of species!
One of the other tanks I saw had jellyfish that were really small. They had to make the tank a cylinder and also like a microscope, so you could see them well.

12 Caribbean Reef The Caribbean Reef was the last exhibit that I saw. Inside the Caribbean Reef was stingrays, eel, and also a remora and fake brain coral.

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