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IV. History of Human Populations

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1 IV. History of Human Populations

2 A. Mathematical Increases
1. Malthus described human growth as a geometric increase a. Multiplies as increases b. 1, 2, 4, 8, 16… 2. Problem is food increases arithmetically a. Add the same number each time b. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… 3. We outgrow our supplies

3 B. History 1. Hunter-gatherer populations were low
a. Predation, disease, and starvation 2. Agricultural revolution provided more food so populations could increase a. Also it made the living standards better

4 3. Industrial societies improved on the agriculture even more
a. Made work safer and shorter which increased length of life 4. Health care greatly contributed a. Germ theory became accepted so hygiene improved b. Also gave rise to antibiotics and vaccines


6 Declines 1. Human populations have shown times of decrease
2. Plagues, cholera, malaria, and smallpox lowered the population a. Black death killed 25% of the world

7 3. Famines like the Irish potato famine drops local populations
a. Fungus killed potatoes 4. During times of war you can see the population drop on graphs a. 17 million people in WWII

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