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Life science: Creating an Experiment

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1 Life science: Creating an Experiment
Uday chintapula – Doctoral studies in Bioengineering

2 Scientific research Research is to with advancement of knowledge through gathering data, information and facts and find meaningful data . 01 Scientific research - A methodical study done to prove a hypothesis or answer a question. 02 Research helps to make decisions about health standards, health policy and regulations Create transgenic crops

3 Why research is important
Research findings provide advancement in knowledge in life sciences Create transgenic crops resistant to infections Create alternate fuels decreasing air pollution and helping global warming Gene therapies for cancer treatment Help cure infections Research drives innovation, inventions, discoveries and finding new techniques. First gene therapy approved by FDA to treat leukemia.

4 Curiosity is a precursor for ideas
In life sciences we ask questions on the inner workings of life around us. E.g testing for starch in plants, how ants colonize, bacterial growth ( 5 second rule). Tracking water through plants, pond life science projects, etc. Different approach for an experiment is to look upto already done experiments and see how you can improvise it by changing or increasing parameters. Ideas

5 Design of experiments Define a hypothesis
Start with a literature review Define a hypothesis Identify the dependent and independent variables Record Data Data Analysis Design of experiments Conclusion is very important as it reveals truth . Do not change the parameters to get the desired result. Most of the major innovations have happened with different conclusions than hypothesis

6 Climate change Climate change – needs to be addressed immediately
Paris climate accord – Limit century's global average temperature increase to no more than 2 degree Celsius Cut down the greenhouse gas emissions as per country guidelines. Please refer this website for a overview on how climate change is happening. Most data is recording greenhouse gases and earths surface temperature through weather stations, weather balloons, radars, ships and buoys, and satellites. Also please watch Leonardo Dicaprio’s ( UN ambassador ) “ BEFORE THE FLOOD” on youtube for a detailed picture of global warming. Hopefully show how the website about the climate change

7 Contributing to climate control
How can you contribute There are many projects which you can venture to try to solve issues contributing towards global warming. Below are the few examples demonstrating clean energy model design sustainable environment effectiveness of biodiesel over diesel fuel Effects of pH on ocean life. ( coral reef problems in Australia ) Study Ocean temperature data ( maybe create ocean ecosystem) in relation to pH, salinity, oxygen and density hurting ocean environment.

8 Medicine from Lab to clinic

9 Center for disease control and Prevention (CDC)
Prepare US to respond to emergency health threats Diseases outbreaks in the US and around the world are investigates and stopped. Preventive healthcare Maintain worlds advanced diagnostic and research labs. Provide life-saving vaccines and critical data on prevention strategies. Headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia - Virtual Healthy School for various grades.

10 conclusion Research takes time Parameter calibration Reproducible
Well formulated problem Data and information should be best available The findings should advance knowledge and bear on important policy issues Examples of research experiments For any queries feel free to contact me at Edison

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