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English and its history

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1 English and its history

2 Modern English

3 Modern English 1. When did modern English begin?
Modern English began during the Renaissance in the 16th century. 2. What changes happened during this period of time? English includes many Latin and Greek words. Pronunciation also went through huge changes . 3. Is Modern English the end of all these changes? No , English will keep on changing.


5 Old English The development of English Languages of Germanic groups
Celtic Old English

6 Old English Languages of Vikings Old English

7 Middle English Old English Middle English French

8 Modern English Latin and Greek Middle English Modern English

9 C2 根据课文回答下列问题 1.Why does English have so many rules that confuse people? 2.Where did the word “English” come from? 3.Why can words with similar meanings be found in the English language? 4.Who made the greatest contribution to the development from Old English to Middle English? 5.Why are many words for animals different from those for meat in English?

10 1. Why does the English language have so many rules that confuse people?
Because it is made up of the grammar and vocabulary that people from different countries and cultures brought with them to Britain.

11 2. Where did the word English come from?
It came from the word Engle, as it was spelt in Old English. 3. Why can words with similar meanings be found in the English language? These words with similar meanings developed because each word came from a different language.

12 4. Who made the greatest contribution to the development from Old English to Middle English?
5. Why are many of the words for animals different from those for meat in English? The French-speaking Normans, who took control of England in 1066. The words for the animals came from Old English, while the words for the meat came from Old French.

13 D. 解释课文中下列单词的意思 c e b f a d 1. occupy _____ a. whole
2.consist of _____ b. except 3.aside from _____ c. enter a place and rule over it 4. take control of ____ d. take care of 5. entire _____ e. be made up of 6. raise _____ f. get power over c e b f a d

14 It is certain that this process will continue, and people will keep inventing new words and new ways of saying things. It’s certain that…可以肯定的是… It’s likely that… 很可能的是… 但是 I’m sure that… 我确信…

15 Discussion Language borrows words from each other,
can you list some of them?(page25 part F)

16 Chinese words from English:
Coffee(咖啡), sofa(沙发), model(模特儿), modern(摩登), Sandwich(三明治), hamburger(汉堡), cartoon(卡通) English words from Chinese: Pingpong, kongfu, tofu, lose face,

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