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1 Acceleration

2 Acceleration Any change in velocity
a = change in velocity/change in time a = v/ t = m/s2 Which car has the greatest acceleration?

3 Types of Acceleration Example: A car is traveling at 1m/s when it reaches the edge of town. It then speeds up to 5 m/s in 20 seconds. What is its average acceleration? a = v/t a = 5m/s – 1m/s 20s =4m/s/20s = 0.20m/s2

4 Graphing Acceleration
When an accelerating object’s motion is graphed on a position/time graph, the graph will be curved. On a velocity/time graph, the slope of the line will be the objects acceleration. To show acceleration, graph velocity on the y axis and time on the x-axis

5 Types of Acceleration Average Instantaneous acceleration
acceleration is over a length of time. Instantaneous acceleration Acceleration at an given instant in time.

6 Constant Acceleration
Objects with constant acceleration Vf = Vi + at Example: If a car with a velocity of 2.0 m/s at t = 0 accelerates a rate of +4.0 m/s2 for 2.5s, what is its velocity at t = 2.5s? Known? Vi = 2.0m/s a = +4.0m/s2 t = 2.5s Unknown= Vf Vf = 2.0m/s + (4.0m/s2)(2.5s) Vf = 12 m/s

7 Acceleration Due to Gravity
Near Earth’s Surface, all objects fall toward the center of the Earth with an acceleration of 9.80m/s2 Ignoring air resistance. Free Falls – objects fall with the acceleration due to gravity Example: A ball is dropped from the roof and allowed to fall for 30s. What is the velocity of the ball when it hits the ground? Vf = Vi + at Vf­ = 0 + (9.80m/s2)(3 0m) Vf = 294m/s

8 Warm Up If a ball is dropped off a cliff and lands with a velocity of 35m/s, how long was it falling?

9 Warm Up A penny is dropped off the Empire State Building, 381m tall. With what velocity will it hit the sidewalk?

10 Constant Acceleration
Remember…. a = V/t Using that formula, we can find many other pieces of information During Constant Acceleration: Velocity can be found by: Vf = Vi + at

11 Constant Acceleration
Displacement can be found if: Time and Velocity are known d = 0.5(Vf +Vi)t Example: What is the displacement of a train as it is accelerated uniformly from +11m/s to +33m/s in a 20.0s interval? d = 0.5(Vf + Vi)t d = 0.5(33m/s + 11m/s)20.0s d = +4.4 x 102m

12 Checkpoint How long does it take a car, starting from rest and accelerating at a rate of 2.5m/s2 to reach a velocity of 25m/s?

13 Constant Acceleration (finding displacement
Acceleration and Time are Known d = Vit + 0.5at2 Because: Vf = Vi + at and d = 0.5(Vf + Vi)t We can sub the first equation for Vf in the second. So, d = 0.5((Vi + at) +Vi)t d = 0.5(2Vi + at)t d = Vit + at2

14 Constant Acceleration
Example: A car starting from rest accelerates uniformly at +6.1m/s2 for 7.0 seconds. How far does the car move? Given: Vi = 0 a = +6.1m/s2 t = 7.0s d = Vit + 0.5at2 d = (0)(7.0s) + 0.5(6.1m/s2)(7.0s)2 d = m d= m

15 Constant Acceleration
Velocity and Acceleration are Known Vf2 = Vi2 + 2ad Because Vf = Vi + at and d = 0.5(Vf + Vi)t Solve first equation for t t = (Vf - Vi)/a Sub t into the second equation d = 0.5(Vf + Vi)(Vf – Vi)/a or d = (0.5(Vf – Vi)2 )/a

16 Constant Acceleration
Example: An airplane must reach a velocity of 71m/s for takeoff. If the runway is 1.0km long, what must the constant acceleration be? Given: Vi = 0m/s Vf = 71m/s d = +1.0km = +1.0 x 103m Unknown: acceleration Vf2 = Vi2 +2ad 712m/s = 0.0m/s + 2(1.0 x 103)a Solve for a 712 m/s = 2(1.0 x 103)a (712m/s)/((2)1000m) = a a = 2.52m/s2

17 Constant Acceleration
OVERALL, the four kinematics (motion for uniform acceleration) equations are: Determine the variables you know and want to know Determine the necessary equation Vf Vi d a t Vf = Vi + at x d = 0.5(Vf + Vi)t d = Vit + 0.5at2 Vf2 = Vi2 + 2ad

18 Example Which equation? Vf2 = Vi2 + 2ad 02 = 552 + 2(-11)d
A car is traveling at 55 m/s when it slows with an acceleration of -11 m/s2. How far does it take to stop? Known? Vi = 55m/s a = -11m/s2 Vf = 0m/s Unknown? D = ? Which equation? Vf2 = Vi2 + 2ad 02 = (-11)d 0 = d -3025 = -22d 137.5m = d

19 Example 2 If you drop a golf ball, how far does it fall in 0.5 s?
Known? Vi = 0m/s t = 0.5s a = 9.8m/s2 Unknown? d = ? Which equation? d = Vit + 0.5at2 d = 0(d) + 0.5(9.8)0.52 d = (0.25) d = 1.225m

20 Example 3 Which equation? Vf = Vi + at 66 = 0 + a(3.0) 22m/s2 = a
A steam driven catapult accelerates a 20 ton aircraft from 0 to 66 m/s in 3.0 s to launch the plane from the deck of an aircraft carrier. Find the rate of acceleration. Known? Vi = 0 Vf = 66m/s T = 3.0s Unknown? a = ? Which equation? Vf = Vi + at 66 = 0 + a(3.0) 22m/s2 = a

21 Warm Up A penny is dropped off the Empire State Building, 350m high. How fast is it going when it hits the ground?

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