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Current & Future Models for Automotive Prime Movers

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Presentation on theme: "Current & Future Models for Automotive Prime Movers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Current & Future Models for Automotive Prime Movers
P M V Subbarao Professor Mechanical Engineering Department An Unending Search for Sustainable Anatomy of an Artificial Horse….

2 Timeline : History of steam engines
1698        Thomas Savery patent 1712        Thomas Newcomen patent 1736        Watt born 1755        Watt trained in London 1763        Watt discovers problem with Newcomen engine 1765        Watt discovers external condenser 1769        Roebuck and Watt patent the engine 1774        Boulton acquires Roebuck's patent rights        The first Boulton and Watt engine is commercially applied    Patent the double-acting engine 1800       Engine patent runs out. Watt retires at 64, healthy, happy, and famous 1819       James Watt dies, age 83

3 Identification of Thermodynamic System
Target: Engine must be many times a Horse

4 Evolution of the Inventor Vs the Species Being Duplicated

5 Philosophy of Science The goal which physical science has set itself is the simplest and most economical abstract expression of facts. The human mind, with its limited powers, attempts to mirror in itself the rich life of the world, of which it itself is only a small part……. In reality, the law always contains less than the fact itself. A Law does not reproduce the fact as a whole but only in that aspect of it which is important for us, the rest being intentionally or from necessity omitted.

6 Anatomy of A Horse : Result of Nearly 50 million years of Evolution
World horse population estimated at 58 million. Ten countries in the world have a horse population of more than a million, with the total global equine population estimated at 58 million, according to a report compiled by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAOSTAT).Sep 12, 2007

7 Anatomy of An Aritificial Horse : Result of Nearly ~150 years of Evolution
1.2 Billion Vehicles (Artificial Horses) On World's Roads : July 29, 2014

8 How to Recognize an Intelligent Artificial Horse???
How to Design Anatomy of an Intelligent Artificial Horse???

9 Critical Evaluation of Evolving Horse

10 Ideas to reduce average car CO2

11 Development of engines for hybrid vehicles

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