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M 112 Short Course in Calculus

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1 M 112 Short Course in Calculus
Chapter 1 – Functions and Change Sections 1.6 – The Natural Logarithm V. J. Motto

2 1.6 The Natural Logarithm The natural logarithm of x, written, ln x, is the power of e needed to get x. In other words, ln x = c means ec = x The natural logarithm is sometimes written loge x. 8/7/2018

3 Illustration 1 Properties of logarithms
ln e3 = 3 since 3 is the power of e needed to give e3. ln(1/e) = ln e-1 = -1 A calculator gives ln 5 = ln(-7) does not exist. The calculator gives us an error message. (Why?) What about ln(0)? 8/7/2018

4 Properties of Natural Logarithms

5 The graph of ln x, ex , and x y = ex y = x y = ln x
What do you observe about the functions? 8/7/2018

6 Example 1: (page 47) 8/7/2018

7 Example 2: (page 48) 8/7/2018

8 Example 3: (page 48) 8/7/2018

9 Exponential Functions with Base e

10 Example 4: (page 49) 8/7/2018

11 Example 5: (page 49) 8/7/2018

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