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Published byBritton Blair Modified over 6 years ago
September 28, 2005 Indianapolis, IN
Prior to change: Following random draw all subsequent duals would start with same bout drawn. Reason for change: Allows the last wrestler who wishes to move up a weight class for next competition to do so. Eliminates a 45-minute delay. Weight rule permits a competitor to compete in one of two weight classes. (1-2-5) Case Book Situation: Situation 1
REPORTING TO MAT (1-2-1) The word “properly” has been added to the rule. Clarifies the fact that in a dual meet, should the wrestler who is not required to report first to the scorer, may be withdrawn without penalty. Restrictions for being withdrawn begin when the proper contestant reports. Case Book: Situations A & B
Receiving a forfeit counts as of the five allowable matches. In order for advancement or placing, this forfeit-bout must be counted. Therefore; it must count as one of the allowable of five. (See Rule 5-13)
Rule goes into effect for the 2006-07 season.
Referee’s responsibilities: None Referee is responsible for; Recording actual scale weight. Determining competitor can compete in one of two weight classes. (1-2-5) states may have a more strict rule.
Prior to change: Only shirt allowed was traditional alternating black and white stripes. Reason for change: Traditional shirt sometimes promotes an adversarial relationship. Draws less attention to the official(s). Not an added expense to official. Event host provides to official(s). Additional change: Added “wrestling” to the type of all black shoes to be worn. Apparently, some shoes being used have not been conducive for use on mats.
(3-1-11) With the recent changes made in correction errors (6-6-4, 5), it is imperative the referee be diligent in recording the time of completion. There is no need to hurry this process Dual meets: Check with scorer for any problems. Look to both coaches to see if there might be a question. If no indication, note the time in the scorebook and leave the area. Tournaments: As soon as final team results are posted, note the time with the scorer or tournament director. Case Book Situations: Situation G; Situation E
Prior to change: The rule indicated the referee can approve an undershirt be worn under the sleeveless top. Reason for change: Needed more clearly defined description of an undershirt. Must be short sleeved. Must be tight fitting. In , a solid color and unadorned shirt was required. Case Book Situations: Situation 2; 4-1-1, Situation C-E
Prior to change: If tights were worn, a suitable undergarment must have been worn. Reason for change: Didn’t want officials observing wrestlers when getting dressed.
UNIFORM ALERT (4-1-1c) The NCAA has permitted an additional style of uniform for this season. The NFHS has not approved or discussed this style. The following alert was circulated in mid-summer:
UNIFORM ALERT (Cont.) It has come to the attention of the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) that erroneous information regarding wrestling uniforms is being distributed by individuals not associated with the NFHS. The NFHS Wrestling Rules Committee has not approved a new uniform style for use at the high school level such as was recently approved by the NCAA for use at the college level. Rule has not been changed for the season. The timeframe for discussion of any uniform changes in high school wrestling would be at the committee’s next regularly scheduled meeting in April 2006.
Reason for change: Manufacturer’s indicated that the marks they were placing on products were not “logos” or “trademarks”. NFHS intended restriction to be for “any” company reference. Reference, if used, must meet size restriction on uniform. Hair cover doesn’t have to have a logo to make it legal. Logo too large in right panel. Case Book: Situations A, B & E
Reason for change: Hair covers were not meeting rule. Hair covers were being used without review by the referee. Procedure Contestant brings hair cover to weigh-ins. Referee checks legality of cover. If referee is not present at weigh-ins, hair cover will be checked during pre-meet inspection. If an improper hair cover delays the start of this wrestler’s match, then the wrestler shall be penalized. Case Book Situation: Situation 3
EYE PROTECTION (4-3-1) Eye protection devices have been added to the list of special equipment items. The referee retains final authority to rule on any piece of equipment as to whether or not it may be used. (3-1-5)
Prior to change: No requirement to be tight fitting. Official’s judgment as to whether or not the pad put an opponent at risk. Reason for change: Reduces risk to opponent. Probably allows joint to move in a more normal manner. Procedure Referee should check during pre-meet visit. Pad could be wrapped to cover gaps. At start of bout, illegal pad handled as any other piece of illegal equipment prior to start of match. If the pad becomes inoperable/illegal during match, it is to be handled similarly to any piece of legal equipment that became inoperable/illegal through use. Case Book Situation: Situation 4
Prior to change: Wrestlers were allowed to gain as much as five pounds for consecutive days of competition – although rare. May have used inappropriate methods for weight loss from Saturday to Monday. Reason for change: Conflicts with weight management philosophy. Permitted a wrestler to possibly gain an excessive amount of weight. Reduces risky behavior. Other Points Won’t affect 3-day tournaments. 48 hour notice remains applicable. Case Book Situations: Situations 5 & 6; Situations B-D
BAD TIME ADDITION (5-1-4) “Any errors in match scoring or “ was added to the definition. (This should have been shaded.) Has been a previous interpretation. Further emphasizes the philosophy that coaches must be aware of the match score.
DEFINITIONS ADDED (5-3, 4) In a continuing effort to improve the definition rule (Rule 5), definitions of Bye and Caution have been added and the remainder re-numbered.
Prior to change: It was interpreted that the coach misconduct penalty was given to the head coach. Reason for change: Clarifies to whom the penalty is charged. (7-5-4) Unsportsmanlike conduct is still charged to the individual. (6-42-2; 7-5-3) Case Book: 7.5.3 Other Rules: None
AWARDING NEAR FALL POINTS (5-11-2f-i) (No Scene) In an on-going effort to more clearly state when additional points are awarded for match stoppage during near-fall situations, the following are presented as clarifiers: Original language: “If in f-h, an imminent or near-fall situation is stopped due to a defensive wrestler committing a technical violation, applying an illegal hold, committing unnecessary roughness or unsportsmanlike act, that cannot be corrected and requires the referee to stop the match, the match will be stopped and additional point(s) for stopping the match plus penalty point(s) will be awarded.” Edited language: See next slide. The following describes the committee’s interpretation for awarding near-fall points when the defensive wrestler bleeds or suffers an injury. There has been no change in the rule, simply an edit for clarification. 5-11-2h: if holding three near-fall points, the offensive wrestler will receive four near-fall points; 5-11-2g: if brought into criteria (5-11-2a) and before the 5-second count is completed (holding 2); the offensive wrestler will receive three near-fall points; 5-11-2f: in an imminent near-fall situation the offensive wrestler will be awarded two near-fall points. NOTE: In the rare situation where the defensive wrestler does something that warrants a penalty it is more than likely a flagrant act (i.e. poke in the eye, fist to the opponent). The bleeding situation or injury situation will most likely run long enough that the defensive wrestler was taken on into near fall criteria so the stoppage of an event that was not flagrant would then warrant the awarding of three near-fall points as in (g). I know we never-say-never but from a practical standpoint (f) will seldom occur. The rule is applied for any stoppage (i.e. out of bounds, end of period, etc.)
RULE f-h Edit “In f-h, when an imminent or near-fall situation is stopped due to a defensive wrestler committing a technical violation, applying an illegal hold, committing unnecessary roughness or unsportsmanlike act, that cannot be corrected and requires the referee to stop the match, the match will be stopped and penalty point(s) will be awarded.” This is the edited language.
FORFEITS (5-13) This addition clarifies:
When accepting a forfeit, the wrestler must be in a legal uniform As stated in Rule 1-2-2, forfeit counts toward the daily limit of five matches.
(5-18-2) Forfeits have been added to the definition of when a match is concluded.
The language found in Rule 7-6 has been added to Rule 5.
TAUNTING (5-27) When taunting was added to Rule 5, part of the language did not carry over. This statement appears in all NFHS sport rules books.
ADDED (6-3-3 NOTE) The note was added to clarify the situation when a second injury time-out is taken.
Prior to change: A straight-back suplay from a standing position was illegal. A straight-back salto to the head was illegal. Reason for change: Seldom used. Reduces risk.
Prior to change: Unclear language that has lead to inconsistent application. Reason for change: Figure 4 of head/neck could lead to injury. If the arm is included, it would create even more concern about risk. Maintains consistency with other rules concerning holds involving the neck area. (5-14-2; g; 7-1-5d)
Prior to change: Action was stopped when the offensive wrestler was warned for stalling. Reason for change: Gave offensive wrestler an opportunity to again stall. Rewards the defensive wrestler who has gotten to standing position. Allows defensive wrestler to complete escape or reversal without having to go back to the mat.
Prior to change: Team point deduction was two points. Reason for change: Committee felt the deduction of two team points was not deterring improper conduct. This change brings this rule in line with previous changes. This rule applies not only to coaches, but to competitors and other team personnel. (5-12) Case Book: Situations A-C
LANGUAGE DELETED (8-2-1) The following was deleted: “A contestant who indicates an injury for the purpose of preventing scoring or being pinned shall be charged with an injury time-out.” Reason for change: Referees don’t know why an injury time-out is being called. Referees must err on the side of safety. Referees cannot judge why the time-out is requested – if an injury time-out is requested, it must be granted. Referees are not a part of the medical staff.
During the Tiebreaker, only the top, bottom or defer options are available.
Misconceptions because of the lack of wording has lead to a belief that a neutral position could be selected during Tiebreaker. No intent by the rules committee to allow this option when this portion was added beginning with the season. Current Overtime format began: For tournaments: For all bouts:
Clarifiers were added to these sub-articles.
Articles 1 and 2 were re-organized for clarity and remaining Articles were re-numbered.
Language added to Scoring Symbols on page 54.
It is important that the scorer circle the “first point(s)” scored in each bout. Such language was added to the duties of the scorer, but the procedure has apparently been overlooked. (3-3-1b)
Officials have used various signals when indicating a warning/penalty for Coach Misconduct.
Procedure: Signal 15 Followed by Signal 24 Coach Misconduct – Penalty Signal 24 Followed by Signal 21 indicating number of points
Should be most easily controlled.
Procedure: Disinfect mats daily. Require showing after practice/contest. Don’t use practice/competition clothing two days in a row without washing them between uses. Ventilate wrestling room when not in use. Skin conditioning Educate wrestlers as to what to look for. Report any redness of skin. Any suspect condition should be evaluated by a medical professional. If a skin condition is determined to be communicable, cleaning school clothes and bed linen is imperative. Any suspect condition should be dealt with prior to the time of competition. Referee should not be put “between a rock and a hard place.” Site physician/medical staff should have the same consideration. Case Book: Situations A-D; Situations A-D
Referee makes final judgment on all items related to the physical aspects of the contest.
Mats and markings. Uniforms. Special equipment. Pads and taping. Referee must not begin a contest, even if it means a delay, without performing the required pre-meet duties. With new or innovative equipment being placed on the market, special attention needs to be given to ear guards. Things such as: Cutting edges; Protrusions; Unusually hard surfaces; must be inspected. Hair covers now carry two additional requirements: Restricted logo. (4-1-2) Brought to weigh-in. (4-2-1) If referee is unable to conduct weigh-ins, wrestler must have hair cover inspected before start of contest. If wrestler forgets to bring hair cover to weigh-in or referee indicates a hair cover is to be worn, the wrestler shall bring the hair cover to the referee for inspection as soon as possible after the wrestler has weighed in. Sometimes, even though not a good practice, several competitors will wear the same device. The referee must note which wrestlers require hair covers the same as noting a necessity to shave, trim finger nails or adjust taping or padding.
“Each wrestler is required to make an honest attempt to stay within the 10-foot circle and wrestle aggressively, regardless of position or the time or score of the match.” (7-6-1)
Proper set-up reduces the chances of confrontations.
Proper set-up facilitates the smooth administration of the contest. Innovative set-up causes confusion and distraction to the referee, visiting school and spectators. Examples: Scorer and timer not seated together. Home school team bench in chairs along side the mat; visitors in first row of bleachers.
State association must authorize use. (3-2-1) Coordination of efforts is mandatory. Referee must not look at the assistant referee as a crutch or as not needed. Rule details responsibilities.
Interpretation Meeting Date Rules Committee Mtg. Date
September 27, 2006 Rules Committee Mtg. Date March 26-27, 2006 Rules Proposal Form Due March 1, 2006 addresses:
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