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WP2 Curriculum development:

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1 WP2 Curriculum development:
TEMPUS SHESPSS Strengthening Higher Education for Social Policy making and Social Services delivery Curricular Reform TEMPUS RS-TEMPUS-JPCR WP2 Curriculum development: Sociology for Social Welfare, Social work and Social Pedagogy at MA level University of Novi Sad,

2 WORKSHOP AGENDA  DAY I ( ) ‐17.00, Hall 2, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad Morning session: Qualifications Standards; Moderators: dr Vladimir Mihić and dr Marko Škorić 09.30-­‐09.45 Introduction speaker, greetings and announcement of the work plan (Dean dr Ivana Živančević Sekeruš and dr Zorica Kuburic) 09.45-­‐ 10.15 Qualifications Standards for social work, MA (dr Nevenka Zegarac UBG) 10.15-­‐10.45 Qualifications Standards for social pedagogy (dr Marina Matejevic UNI) 10.45-­‐11.00 Disscussion ‐11.15 Coffee break Program outcomes classification according to Bloom's taxonomy; Moderators: dr Jelisaveta Todorovic and dr Gordana Đigić 11.15-­‐12.15 Outcomes of master Studies for social work UBG, UNI and UNS, as well as social pedagogy and their classification according to Bloom's taxonomy (each university is to prepare the outcomes on which they will conduct the classification. For MA social work the already specified outcomes made by UBG can certainly serve for this purpose. 12.15-­‐13.15 Reports and discussion up to 15 minuts for each program ‐14.30 LUNCH BREAK (Hall 1, Faculty of Philosophy) Outcomes, methods and evaluation of individual courses, which are central to the MA program; Moderators: dr Marija Zotović and dr Nebojša Majstorović 14.30-­‐15.30Prepared syllabi are to be divided into groups, defining the outcomes of subjects according to Bloom's taxonomy, defining the methods and modes of assessment 15:30-­‐16:30 Reporting session for each group up to 15 min ‐16.15 Coffee break 16.15-­‐17.15 Practice Questions regarding the MA program of social work at UBG ‐19.00 DINNER (Hall 1, Faculty of Philosophy)

3 WORKSHOP AGENDA  DAY II ( ) ‐14.00, Hall 2, Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad Mapping of the curriculum: how the whole program outcomes are achieved throughout certain courses (workshops) – Participants are to bring the preliminary proposals or already existing curriculum and curriculum leaders are to prepare the table for mapping the outcomes from the previous day; Moderators: dr Zorica Kuburic and dr Natalija Jovanovic 10.00-­‐10.45 University of Nis 10.00-­‐ 10.45 University of Novi Sad University of Belgrade 10.45-­‐11.45 20 minute discussion for each University ‐ Coffee Break 12.00–12.30 Necessary conditions for enabling the mobility of students between programs from BA to MA level for various universities (Vladimir Mihic, UNS) Academic titles for the qualification and nomenclature of professions (what was left unfinished in Nis and possibly some updates (dr. Jasmina Petrovic) 13.00-­‐13.30 Key references for the program (dr. Nevenka Zegarac) 13.30-­‐14.00 Open questions, evaluation sessions, agreement on the upcoming activities and closure of the workshop (UNS)

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