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Team Workshop for Emerging Advanced Phase SW-PBS Teams: Session 1 – Sustaining & Maintaining Tier 1 MO SW-PBS Training.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Workshop for Emerging Advanced Phase SW-PBS Teams: Session 1 – Sustaining & Maintaining Tier 1 MO SW-PBS Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Workshop for Emerging Advanced Phase SW-PBS Teams: Session 1 – Sustaining & Maintaining Tier 1 MO SW-PBS Training

2 Introductions Consultant Responsibility
Tier of Support Responsibility Contact Information Brandi Genenbacher Tier 1 Professional Development & Team Support Stephanie Small Karen Westhoff Tier 2/3 Professional Development, Team Support & District Level Support Deb Childs Jeff Burkett Data Coordinator & PBIS Surveys Jenae Davis Program Facilitator: Registration, Facilities, & Food Coordination

3 Working Agreements Be Respectful Be Responsible Be a Problem Solver
Be an active listener—open to new ideas Use notes for side bar conversations Be on time for sessions Silence cell phones—reply appropriately Follow the decision making process Work toward consensus and support decisions of the group

4 Attention Signal

5 At the end of today’s session, you will be able to…
Session 1 Outcomes At the end of today’s session, you will be able to… Getting Organized Understand the purpose of the SET and become familiar with the Criteria for applying for State Recognition. Understand the significance of the Data Solution Plan to analyze your data and develop a plan to address schoolwide concerns. Examine the commitment by all staff to a positive, proactive and instructional approach to discipline. Address Team Composition Determine Criteria for collecting Minors Readiness requirements for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.

6 Roles and Responsibilities
Resource Manager Quality Control Recorder Reporter

7 School Contact Information Or 1 team member to

8 Mark Your Calendars Additional Trainings:
Administrator Networking Meeting: January 27, 2017 Summer Training Institute: June 14-16, 2017 Optional Trainings: SWIS Data Training New Teams: TBD SWIS Data Refresher: August 26, 2016 SET Training: November 16, 2016 Emerging Advanced Team Trainings Day 1 training – September 1, 2016 Day 2 training – October 13, 2016 Day 3 training – December 1, 2016 Day 4 training – April 3, 2017

9 Assessment & Survey Dates: Emerging Advance
School Safety Survey (SSS) August 8, September 16, 2016 Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) Emerging Advance: January 23, March 26, 2017 School Evaluation Tool (SET) Schedule will be sent to teams. SET Observations will begin in November. Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI)

10 Options for Accessing Resources

11 Monthly Data Submission & Solution Planning
Tier 1 Emerging Level & Above:

12 School Outcome Data – June 30th
PLEASE BE SURE TO INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING IN THE BODY OF THE Contact Name & School and District Name School Outcome Data Directions

13 Emerging Advanced Outcomes “The Year of Insurance”
Assess current reality using data Revise and continually strengthen existing Systems of Tier 1 Evidence of all staff implementing the 8 Effective Classroom Practices effectively Understanding the De-escalation Cycle and utilizing strategies to support student success Identify and measure Tier 2 readiness requirements MO SW-PBS

14 Supporting Tools The Universal Support Checklist and Action Plan combined MO SW-PBS 35

15 Emerging Advanced Action Plan
Google link to School Action Plan

16 Emerging Advanced Action Plan
Evaluate your progress Review the Goals in Prep and Emerging Complete the Goal Implementation Status section of the Action plan.

17 At the end of today’s session, you will be able to…
Session 1 Outcomes At the end of today’s session, you will be able to… Getting Organized Understand the purpose of the SET and become familiar with the Criteria for applying for State Recognition. Understand the significance of the Data Solution Plan to analyze your data and develop a plan to address schoolwide concerns. Examine the commitment by all staff to a positive, proactive and instructional approach to discipline. Address Team Composition Determine Criteria for collecting Minors Readiness requirements for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.

18 Time to Inspect What We Expect
Schoolwide Evaluation Tool (SET) Evaluation Tool Required this year Training( OPTIONAL) – December 4th

19 SET- Schoolwide Evaluation Tool
A valid and reliable research tool for assessing fidelity of Tier I SW-PBS implementation Informs the design and revision of SW-PBS Systems and Practices Informs training & technical assistance needs

20 SET Evaluates 7 Essential Feature Areas:
Expectations Defined Behavioral Expectations Taught Acknowledgement Procedures in Place Correction Procedures in Place Monitoring and Evaluation (Data) Evidence of Established Management Procedures Evidence of District-level Support

21 Schedule a Date Schedule a SET ~ November 1 through April 10

22 State Recognition Criteria
Achieve an 80/80 on the SET Surveys completed SAS = 80% Staff participation 70% or higher on Schoolwide, Non-classroom and Classroom sections Data Solution Plan submitted monthly

23 Criteria is Based on Systems Data Practices

24 Systems Current Action Plan
A team is in place and meets at least monthly Administrator attends team meetings consistently Expectations & strategies communicated to all staff, students and families A continuum for Encouraging Expected Behaviors is documented A continuum for Discouraging Inappropriate Behaviors is documented

25 Data All required forms submitted on time
Evidence of ongoing data being collected, reviewed and analyzed for decision making at the Tier 1 level Evidence Big 5 reports are developed, reviewed and analyzed for decision-making by the team at least monthly Evidence Big 5 reports are presented by the team, then reviewed and analyzed by the full staff at least monthly Evidence of maintaining or improving student outcomes

26 Examples of Data Documentation
Timely submission of surveys/documents PBIS APPS: Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) School Safety Survey (SSS) Monthly Data Solution Plans submitted Data shows impact of schoolwide interventions

27 Practices Expectations posted in all non-classroom settings
Evidence of regularly teaching social/behavioral skills in all schoolwide settings Lesson Plans Annual Teaching Schedule Evidence classroom rules and procedures align with schoolwide expectations (posted in classrooms)

28 Submission Deadline April 15, 2017

29 At the end of today’s session, you will be able to…
Session 1 Outcomes At the end of today’s session, you will be able to… Getting Organized Understand the purpose of the SET and become familiar with the Criteria for applying for State Recognition. Understand the significance of the Data Solution Plan to analyze your data and develop a plan to address schoolwide concerns. Examine the commitment by all staff to a positive, proactive and instructional approach to discipline. Address Team Composition Determine Criteria for collecting Minors Readiness requirements for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.

30 The Significance of the Data Solution Plan
SW-PBS is a process for creating safer and more effective schools by structuring the learning environment to support the academic and social success of all students. A Solution Plan will help identify the systems that need to be in place and monitored with fidelity to ensure the success of all students. Tier 1 Emerging Level & Above:

31 Action Planning: Ongoing Monitoring
Schedule Monthly meetings to complete the Data Solution Plan based on the current month's data. Determine who will be responsible for bringing the Big 5 Data to the meeting Assign team member responsible for completing the online data solution plan. How will you share the Data Solution Plan with your staff on a monthly basis?

32 At the end of today’s session, you will be able to…
Session 1 Outcomes At the end of today’s session, you will be able to… Getting Organized Understand the purpose of the SET and become familiar with the Criteria for applying for State Recognition. Understand the significance of the Data Solution Plan to analyze your data and develop a plan to address schoolwide concerns. Examine the commitment by all staff to a positive, proactive and instructional approach to discipline. Address Team Composition Determine Criteria for collecting Minors Readiness requirements for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.

33 Activity: Setting the Stage
Essential Components Review: Material needed - Marker Number off 1-8. Go to your designated starting station. Appoint a recorder and a reporter. Discuss and chart ideas concerning the questions about the MO SW-PBS Essential Component. Rotate to the next station when signaled and add to the discussion. Be prepared to share out at your last station.

34 Common Philosophy & Purpose
All good discipline approaches begin with the examination of each individual’s philosophy about human behavior. This philosophy drives all decisions regarding clarifying, teaching, encouraging, and discouraging behavior.

35 Why are we implementing SW-PBS?
To Support all Students!

36 Tips to Keep the Focus on Students

37 Action Planning: Common Philosophy & Purpose
Have all staff members adopted a positive and proactive philosophy concerning student behavior? Do they believe that all students can change? Do you need to Encourage staff re-commitment due to changes staff or implementation fatigue? Do teachers feel they have the skills necessary to influence change? How might you encourage them to get on board?

38 At the end of today’s session, you will be able to…
Session 1 Outcomes At the end of today’s session, you will be able to… Getting Organized Understand the purpose of the SET and become familiar with the Criteria for applying for State Recognition. Understand the significance of the Data Solution Plan to analyze your data and develop a plan to address schoolwide concerns. Examine the commitment by all staff to a positive, proactive and instructional approach to discipline. Address Team Composition Determine Criteria for collecting Minors Readiness requirements for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.


40 Goal: Complete Your Team Puzzle
Following the directions provided assemble the puzzle as a team. Skills needed are: Communication nonverbal and verbal Problem Solving Access to Resources

41 Phase 1 Directions for the First 30 seconds:
Assemble pieces alternating turns. One person put down a piece, then the next person and so on. Use a Voice Level Zero Only Touch 1 puzzle piece at a time and only when it is your turn Nonverbal communication is prohibited

42 Phase 2 Next 30 seconds Continue assembling the puzzle without talking
You can touch each others’ pieces

43 Phase 3 Next 30 seconds As a team complete your puzzle using all available resources Talking is now permitted

44 Debrief Related to the Team Process….
What insights do you have about this activity?

45 Puzzle Purpose Team Composition and Effectiveness
Do you have a solid team in place? Does each person on your team have a specific role? Does your team have a good communication system in place? Do you have a current action plan? Do you have the resources you need? Who can you ask if you need some assistance? Consultant PBS team members Other schools 45

46 Action Planning: Team Composition
Considerations: Establish a Team Member Rotation Method Develop a System to Mentor new Tier 1 Team members New Team for Tier 2 Liaison between Tier 1 and Tier 2

47 At the end of today’s session, you will be able to…
Session 1 Outcomes At the end of today’s session, you will be able to… Getting Organized Understand the purpose of the SET and become familiar with the Criteria for applying for State Recognition. Understand the significance of the Data Solution Plan to analyze your data and develop a plan to address schoolwide concerns. Examine the commitment by all staff to a positive, proactive and instructional approach to discipline. Address Team Composition Determine Criteria for collecting Minors Readiness requirements for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.

48 What is the difference between a Major and a Minor?
Reflect Independently Turn to a partner and share your thoughts

49 Are you fluent? Is your staff fluent?

50 Is it a Major or Minor Behavior
Independently read through the list of Behavior Definitions Identify each one as a Major or Minor behavior Discuss your answers with your team to see if there is agreement. Distinguishing between a Major and a Minor handout

51 Collecting Data on Minors

52 Collecting Data on Minors
Identify which students are and are not responding to the Expectations and Rules To identify Behavioral Patterns To determine the Function of the Behavior Provide Early Intervention Identify focus for targeted interventions

53 The Right Data Helps to Determine the Right Intervention
“The precision of the practices developed will depend upon the accuracy of the data examined and the efficiency of the processes for problem solving and decision-making.” Todd,, 2011

54 When do you start Collecting Data on Minors?

55 You cannot record every minor!
You need a Decision Rule! A Decision Rule for tracking a minor is a predetermined standard that triggers the recording of a minor

56 Decision Rules are based on Three Factors….
The behavior is occurring Frequently, requiring substantial teacher time despite teacher’s efforts to reteach. The student is losing Instructional Time because of problem behavior. The Intensity of the behavior causes disruption. Intensity is the level of impact of the behavior on the environment. MO SW-PBS

57 1. Frequency of Behavior Tracking the number of corrections of a specific minor behavior during the same activity or class period. Example: Universals have been taught. You have retaught the rule to the student for a week. A specific behavior continues to be exhibited during the same activity or class period impacting student’s ability to learn. Time to start documenting the minor behavior the student is exhibiting.

58 2. Loss of Instructional Time

59 3. Intensity Level Level 5 Behavior causes or threatens to cause physical injury to student or others. Level 4 Behavior disrupts other classrooms or common areas of the school. Level 3 Behavior disrupts everyone in the class. Level 2 Behavior disrupts others in the student’s immediate area. Level 1 Behavior is confined only to the focus student.


61 Determine a Decision Rule
Defer to your Major and Minor worksheet Select one Minor Behavior from the sheet When does the Behavior become a Red Flag? Determine the following criteria… Frequency Instructional time Intensity Minor Criteria

62 Minor Collection Simplified
Suggestions: SWIS form Tally Sheets Teacher Log ODR(with Minor option included)

63 Minor Form MUST Include…
Student name Referring staff name Date of incident Time of incident Location of incident Inappropriate behavior Others involved Possible Motivation MO SW-PBS

64 Example

65 Keep in Mind

66 Action Planning: Collecting Documentation on Minor Behavior
Determine your criteria for documenting minors Develop a form for collecting minors.

67 At the end of today’s session, you will be able to…
Session 1 Outcomes At the end of today’s session, you will be able to… Getting Organized Understand the purpose of the SET and become familiar with the Criteria for applying for State Recognition. Understand the significance of the Data Solution Plan to analyze your data and develop a plan to address schoolwide concerns. Examine the commitment by all staff to a positive, proactive and instructional approach to discipline. Address Team Composition Determine Criteria for collecting Minors Readiness requirements for Tier 2 with faculty and staff.

68 Tier 2 Readiness Requirements
Schoolwide Evaluation Tool (SET) = score (80/80) for the school year.

69 Tier 2 Readiness Requirements
Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) = 80% of staff report that Schoolwide, Non-Classroom & Classroom Systems are ‘In Place’

70 SAS was a significant predictor of sustained implementation ~ McIntosh 2013


72 Discussion: Self-Assessment Survey
Review the Schoolwide, Non-Classroom, and Classroom Subscales of your SAS Results and discuss the following with your team… Do you have 80% or above on these 3 subscales? If yes, how will you sustain this level of implementation? If no, what items need to be added to your action plan in order to reach this level of implementation? How will you communicate these results and next steps to your faculty and staff? MO SW-PBS

73 Tier 2 Readiness Requirements
Office referral data indicates 80 percent of students in the 0-1 referral range System in place to document classroom minors ( Minor Tracking form) Consistent use of school-wide data for making decisions ( Tools: Monthly Big 5 Data Report, Decision Making Model, Data Alchemy) MO SW-PBS

74 Discussion: ODRs, Minors, & The Big 5
Review your ODR Data from the end of last year and discuss… Do you have 80% of students in the 0-1 referral range? Do you have a system in place to document classroom managed behaviors (minors)? Does your SW-PBS Leadership Team consistently use Big 5 Data Reports (at least monthly) for decision making? MO SW-PBS

75 Tier 2 Readiness Requirements
Administrator and core group of staff will serve as Tier 2 Team. Determine a core group of team members who will attend trainings Crossover membership with Tier 1 Team At least one member with behavioral expertise At least one member with academic expertise Access to district level support MO SW-PBS

76 Discussion: Leadership Team & Support
Discuss the following with your team… Do you have an administrator and core group of staff that will serve as a Tier 2 Team? Do you have access to district level support in regard to SW-PBS implementation? MO SW-PBS

77 Barriers to Success Lack of administrative support & leadership
Effective system for communication not in place Classroom System implementation not in place Documentation of classroom infractions (minors) not in place Data decision rules are not in place or not followed Fidelity of Implementation is not checked

Administrator and Tier 2 team required to attend all 4 trainings

79 Discussion: Readiness for Tier 2
With your team… Review each Tier 2 Readiness Requirement. Discuss where your building is on the continuum for each statement. What evidence do you have? What can you celebrate? What steps can be taken to improve? In Place Partially In Place Not In Place

80 Action Planning: Tier 2 Readiness Action Steps
Action Steps before leaving today: A plan for establishing Tier 2 team A draft of minor collection form Action plan steps to ensure readiness for tier 2 A plan for providing PD to staff on utilizing Activity Sequencing and Choice

81 THANK YOU All participants please Resource Manager please
Complete an Evaluation Bus your tables Turn in… Tier 2 Readiness Checklist ( 1 copy) Evaluations Marker Box

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