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Who or What Am I? Civil Rights in the U.S..

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Presentation on theme: "Who or What Am I? Civil Rights in the U.S.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who or What Am I? Civil Rights in the U.S.

2 I refused to move from my seat on a bus
I refused to move from my seat on a bus. Because of me a successful bus boycott started. I did not believe buses should be segregated.

3 This amendment set me free!

4 I founded the N.A.A.C.P. I did not believe the black man should have to wait for equality.

5 This case said separate but “equal” was legal.

6 I believed in gaining equality through education and patience
I believed in gaining equality through education and patience. I started the Tuskeegee Institute

7 This amendment said all people who are citizens have the rights of all citizens and equal protection under the law.

8 I am the most well known name in the Civil Rights Movement
I am the most well known name in the Civil Rights Movement. I was killed for my beliefs. I believed in non-violent protest.


10 This amendment gave women the right to vote.

11 This case nullified Plessy v
This case nullified Plessy v. Ferguson and said segregation was unconstitutional.

12 I was a governor of Alabama who believed in segregation
I was a governor of Alabama who believed in segregation. I tried to block black students from the Univ. of Alabama. JFK sent troops. Someone tried to assassinate me but I survived.

13 I was the first black Supreme Court justice
I was the first black Supreme Court justice. I was also the lawyer who argued for Brown v. Board.

14 This amendment said the rights of any citizen to vote could not be changed because of race.

15 This order by Pres. Truman abolished segregation in the military.

16 This person is a women’s rights activist who wrote “ The Feminine Mystique”

17 President Johnson ( LBJ) signed this act that did away with discrimination in the work place on the basis of race or sex.

18 This Latino activists worked to help migrant farm workers get fair wages.

19 200,000 people, both black and white marched for equal rights to Washington. Dr. King gave his famous “I have a dream…” speech.

20 This man was a Mexican-American physician, surgeon, World War II veteran, civil rights advocate, and founder of the American G.I. Forum.

21  Civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated southern states in 1961 and following years to challenge the non-enforcement of the  Supreme Court decision that desegregated public transportation. Many were from the SNCC

22 This case put an end to segregation of Hispanic students in Texas schools.

23 These 9 African- American students were the first to integrate Little Rock Central High School and were stopped by a large white mob and Gov. of Arkansas, Orville Faubus.

24 This 14 year old African -American boy from Chicago, was brutally murdered after he whistled at a white woman in Money, Mississippi. His murderers were acquitted. Many people rallied to protest this injustice.

25 This Hispanic activist worked hard to help farm workers get fair wages and conditions. She received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2012.

26  African American leader and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam, who articulated concepts of black pride in the 1960s. He was not a fan of non-violence and was more a “Do what is necessary to achieve equality” person.

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