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CS 101 Introduction to computer science and software engineering using objected-oriented programming JPC and JWD © 2002 McGraw-Hill, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "CS 101 Introduction to computer science and software engineering using objected-oriented programming JPC and JWD © 2002 McGraw-Hill, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS 101 Introduction to computer science and software engineering using objected-oriented programming JPC and JWD © 2002 McGraw-Hill, Inc.

2 Instructors James P. Cohoon Office: 216 Olsson Hall
Office hours: MW 11-Noon and by appointment Personal Course electronic mail Better response Thomas Horton Office: 228E Olsson Hall Office hours: M-R 2-3 and by appointment Personal Course electronic mail Better response

3 Coordinator Professor: Jane Prey Office: Olsson 228D
Phone: Why you want to know about her Handles problems

4 Teaching Assistants Section 3 Thursday 8:30-10:20AM Jennifer Mifflin
Section 4 Thursday 10:30-12:20PM Jennifer Mifflin Section 5 Thursday 12:30-2:20PM Tariq Assaf Section 6 Thursday 2:30-4:20PM Tariq Assaf Section 7 Thursday 4:30-6:20PM Sagnik Bhattacharya Section 8 Thursday 6:30-8:20PM Ram Poornalingam Section 9 Friday 2:00-3:50PM Christopher Lutz Section 10 Thursday 8:30-10:20PM Ram Poornalingam Section 11 Friday 12:00-1:50PM Dana Wortman Section 12 Friday 4:00-5:50PM Christopher Lutz Section 13 Friday 10:00-11:50AM Dana Wortman

5 Class Web Site Location
You are responsible for knowing the material that is there Assignments, corrections and updates are posted there


7 Adding This Course Priority to those who require the course
See me immediately after class Lab section choices must be from available sections If you want to take an unnecessary chance, instead see Professor Jane Prey, Olsson 228-D this week. Must choose from whatever sections are still available. Teaching assistants cannot sign forms or grant permission Labs start Thursday and you must be in lab this week.

8 Lectures Organization Two lectures per week
A copy of the slides is available in the CS 101 Workbook The slides are also viewable electronically Major topics Computing Basics Libraries Arrays C++ fundamentals Functions Vectors Control constructs Classes Inheritance Abstract Data Types

9 Laboratory Meets once per week in Olsson 001 There is lab this week
You must attend this week to save your slot You must attend the lab you for which you are registered Laboratory attendance is very important You must be punctual You must attend the proper section There may be pop quizzes in the labs

10 Laboratory Lab attendance rule
You are allowed at most two misses for entire semester These two allowances cover illness, weddings, funerals, and all other emergencies Perfect lab attendance will get you extra credit Each additonal miss after the second costs a letter grade Lab makeups on Monday nights allow you to capture knowledge, but do not change the attendance rule

11 Homework All assignments are pledged unless indicated otherwise
You may receive assistance on the programming assignments from the instructor, teaching assistants, or laboratory assistants Computer failure or lack of availability of a computer are not valid excuses for late assignments There will be no general extensions for assignments Significant homework assignments will be submitted electronically

12 Homework A printed copy of your homework solution must be turned in at the beginning of your laboratory section No late homework assignments will be accepted Save the electronic versions of your homework until after you receive your final grade

13 Homework Unless specified otherwise, programming assignments may be done in teams of two Your partner must be from the same laboratory section The first programs are solo efforts The last program is a solo effort The middle programs can be teams of two ALL HOMEWORKS ARE PLEDGED! All homeworks define what resources may be utilized

14 Homework Homework facilities
Stacks computer laboratory (Thornton A233) Top floor of Thornton Hall Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Windows NT or Windows 2000 Teaching assistant office hours in Catlin Lab, 7-10 p.m.

15 Tests All tests are pledged
This course should be your highest priority so make-ups should not be necessary Any scheduling problems need to be resolved at least one week prior to the test or exam in question Talk to Jane Prey in person at Olsson 228D

16 Tests Exam schedule -- plan now for these dates
Test 1 – Wednesday, February 21 at 7-9 PM Test 2 – Wednesday, April 4 at 7-9 PM Final Exam – Wednesday, May 9, 2001 at 7-10 PM

17 Grading Laboratory and class participation will be worth 10 percent
Programming assignments will be worth 30 percent The two tests and all lab quizzes will be worth 30 percent The final will be worth 30 percent These percentages may be adjusted Median course grade will be a B- Historically, curving has never been necessary to achieve this median grade

18 Class participation Everybody is expected to do the readings, come to lecture Students will be randomly selected from class roster to participate in lecture Students might be randomly selected from class roster to pose questions regarding the readings

19 Course Materials C++ Program Design: an introduction to programming and object-oriented design, Cohoon and Davidson, McGraw-Hill/WCB, 1999 C++ Program Design: Lab Manual, Cohoon and Davidson, McGraw-Hill/WCB, 1999 Three 3.5-inch floppies The floppies should be double-sided, high-density ITC's home directory service

20 Assignments Go to lab this week Read chapter 1 before Monday’s lecture
Read chapter 2 before next Wednesday’s lecture

21 Questions Questions before we begin?

22 A C++ Program // Canonical first program
// Dana Wahoo, January 17, 2001, version 1 #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { cout << “Hello world! “ << endl; return 0; }

23 Software Crisis Common software systems behavior
Do not provide required functionality Are over budget with respect to time and money and computer resource usage Not adaptable to changing user needs Why User needs are ill-specified Complexity of interactions grows multiplicatively Human cooperation limits Programming is difficult

24 Software Engineering Goal
Ease the development of reliable, flexible, economical software Techniques Group management Complexity management Measuring software quality Caveat Throwing more people at a problem isn’t always the best way to fix it

25 C++ Designer Stroustrup Purpose
To implement software tools more quickly, reliably, and economically Principal features Supports object-oriented programming Reusable software components that have both values and behavior — object

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