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4. Energy for the Future Solar Energy: past, present, future

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Presentation on theme: "4. Energy for the Future Solar Energy: past, present, future"— Presentation transcript:

1 4. Energy for the Future Solar Energy: past, present, future

2 Solar backpack

3 Solar backpacks / solar cell

4 Solar heater

5 Solar cooker

6 Archimedes

7 Comprehension Check Question 10 58-59p

8 Robert Harrison went to L.A. by train two months ago.

9 2. Robert Harrison went to L.A with a solar backpack.

10 3. The solar backpack changes
sunlight from electricity.

11 4. A solar heater was invented
before Archimedes used solar energy.

12 5. There was not a solar cooker in the 1700s.

13 6. Robert couldn’t finish the report
because of sunlight.

14 7. When a solar heater and cooker
were invented, many people bought them.

15 8. When was the solar heater
was invented? (영어 단답형)

16 9. Why was a solar cooker not popular?
(영어 문장으로)

17 10. What did Archimedes do with mirrors?

18 POP Quiz

19 A small country in Central or South America that relies on the export of fruit. - "blank" Republic

20 The female Japanese author of <N. P>, <키친> etc
The female Japanese author of <N.P>, <키친> etc. 요시모토 "blank"

21 A boat shaped like this is popular in recreational sports - "blank" boat

22 1. Three Canadians invented the solar cell in 1953.
60p 1. Three Canadians invented the solar cell in 1953.

23 60p 2. At first, solar cells were bigger and heavier than now.

24 61p 3. A lot of scientists think that the future of solar energy is bright.

25 60p 4. Solar backpacks do not need batteries.

26 60p 5. Why was the solar cell a great invention? (영어로)

27 61p 6. Write 2 good things of solar energy. (한글로)

28 Robert is a 35-year-old businessman. He lives in New York City.

29 easy and quick to use convenient

30 convenient convenience store

31 businessman

32 protect …(from) make sure that somebody or something is not harmed

33 using solar energy solar

34 electricity

35 a piece of flat glass that reflects images

36 battery

37 device A piece of equipment that is designed to do a particular job

38 sunlight

39 burn

40 ship A large boat that carries people or goods

41 heater a machine for making air warmer

42 invent to produce or design something that has not existed before

43 daytime vs.

44 Expensive < ---- > cheap
high in price

45 hit

46 cell a device for producing an electric current(전류)

47 run out

48 bright Shining strongly

49 directly

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