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Working Together – Success for all

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1 Working Together – Success for all
Year 6 Ash and Willow

2 During this meeting we will give you information in regard to:
Weekly routines SATs Secondary Transfer information and deadlines Our year 6 residential school journey for Kingswood

3 Weekly Routines Reading records and reading book needs to be in school everyday. PE kit in school all week. Remember spare socks as we head into winter. Ash PE – Thursday and Friday Willow PE – Monday and Friday Homework will be sent home on Friday and will be due in on Wednesdays. Practise times tables using TT Rockstars daily.

4 SATs 2018 SATs are national tests which are taken by all Year 6 children in England. This year, SATs week will be 14th – 17th May 2018. Date Tests Monday 14th May 2018 Reading Paper (1 hour) Tuesday 15th May 2018 Grammar & Punctuation (45 minutes) Spelling Test (15-20 minutes) Wednesday 16th May 2018 Arithmetic Paper 1 (30 minutes) Reasoning paper 2 (40 minutes) Thursday 17th May 2018 Reasoning Paper 3 (40 minutes)

5 Changes – the format of the tests changed in 2016.
SATs 2018 A Reading test A Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar test (SPAG). 3 Maths tests Writing is judged on work produced throughout the year in both Literacy and in other subjects. The school works in partnership with the local authority to moderate judgements. Changes – the format of the tests changed in 2016. There are no longer any "extended papers" (equivalent to old Level 6 papers). However, all papers will include questions aimed at challenging the most able pupils.

6 Reading Paper Monday 14th May 2018 – 60 minutes to read a selection of texts ( words) and answer comprehension questions about what they have read. Children will be tested on their ability to: Explain the meaning of words or phrases in the booklet To find and copy a sentence from the text which will answer a question Summarise what a paragraph has told them Find inferences or ‘clues’ in the text Predict what may happen next based on the information they have so far Find similarities and differences between texts Explain how the meaning of a text is enhanced through the choice of language or by the way it has been structured Identify features of how a text has been set out and explain how it helps the reader to understand a text better.

7 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Paper
Tuesday 15th May 2018 Paper 1 – 45 minute test where children answer questions about grammar, punctuation and vocabulary. Skills children are tested on include: - identifying word classes (e.g. nouns, adjectives, prepositions, determiners, adverbs etc.) - correctly punctuating sentences (e.g. with commas, inverted commas, apostrophes, semi colons etc.) - selecting correct pairs of singular and plural words (e.g. mouse and mice, sheep and sheep) - Changing sentences from past to present tense or vice versa. Paper 2 – 15 minute test consisting of 20 spellings.

8 Maths Children will sit three papers in maths:
Paper 1: arithmetic, 30 minutes, 16th May 2018 Paper 2 :reasoning, 40 minutes, 16th May 2018 Paper 3: reasoning, 40 minutes, 17th May 2018

9 How are SATs Papers marked?
Since last year, SATs tests have been marked using a ‘scaled score’. Children’s results nationally are added up. A ‘pass mark’ is decided. This becomes a scaled score of 100. A ‘100’ means you have passed. Children who score 110 or more are considered to be higher achievers. Please be aware that, every year, the pass mark changes. In 2017, the reading pass mark was 26/50 whereas it had previously been 21/50.

10 Secondary Transfer You should have received a leaflet from the Borough advising of Secondary Open Evenings. This can be found on the borough’s website – school admissions We would advise you to attend as many secondary open evenings as possible. Additionally, parents often have the option to visit during the school day. You are required to make up to 6 choices. Putting only one choice, does not mean you will get that choice! Check the admission criteria of each school. Parents apply online at The online portal opens on 1st September 2017and closes at 23.59pm on the 31 October 2017. If you do not submit your options in time, the borough will allocate your school for you.

11 Secondary Transfer St Anne’s, St Ignatius college, Bishop Stopford – give priority to practising Catholics/C of E Enfield Grammar – Wednesday 13th September 2017 (must be completed asap) for Music or Friday 11th October 2017 for Sport. Sport aptitude skills test on Friday 13th October 2017 Kingsmead – art, drama or music (10 places) by Monday 2nd October 2017 at 3.00 pm Some schools may require you to write a supporting statement (e.g. Bishop Stopford, Enfield Grammar) If you are choosing Oasis Academy – please specify Hadley or Enfield on the drop down menu. Parents applying for out of Borough school MUST include these schools in their Enfield application. When you apply online, you will find out which school you have been allocated by after 7:00pm on Wednesday 1st March 2018. You will then have the option of accepting the offer or appealing.

12 RESIDENTIAL 4th – 6th June 2018 Kingswood, West Runton
Cost £190 pp (£30 saving on PGL!) 30 acre site, packed with activities, on the North Norfolk coast. 5 minute walk to the lifeguard-manned beach. Fully catered meals to suit dietary requirements. Dormitory/small group sleeping arrangements.


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