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2 Soil texture Defined the proportion of particle sizes in the soil mineral component - particle size is related to pore-size distribution . larger pore sizes occur with larger size particles Section VI

3 ------------------- 2 mm
Particle Size Class Name Diameter(m) Limit of particle diameter mm mm mm Section VI

4 Soil Particle Relative Size Diameter Shape
(mm) Shape grain elevator complex (100’) sand 0.05 – 2.0 angular silt 0.002 – 0.05 basketball (12”) angular clay <0.002 flat Stamp (1”)

5 1). using the textural triangle (TT)
lab analysis determines mineral particle size analysis TT determines textural classes of soils . similar physical properties

6 General Textural Categories
Fine Coarse Medium

7 Location of General Textural Categories
mixed Fine/ Medium/ Medium Fine mixed

8 a). characteristics of fine-textural class
(e.g.: clay, clay loam, silty clay loam) - High nutrient and water holding capacities ” water/foot soil - Poor drainage - Poor root penetration - Prolonged Spring warm- up period

9 b). characteristics of coarse-textural class
(e.g.: sand, loamy sand, sandy loam ) - Low water holding capacity ” water/foot soil - Excessive drainage - Low in nutrients

10 2). Using the “Feel Method
a). Method - soil sample is wetted and worked with fingers Squeeze soil between your fingers and thumb Extrude a ribbon of soil ¼” thick Place moist soil sample in hand palm

11 b). “Feel” Method Approximations
Fine-Textured Soils: - form long, shiny, sticky, pliable ribbons - dry clods are very hard Medium-Textured Soils: - ribbons not strong, not gritty - wet soils feel floury when dry Coarse-Textured Soils: - no ribbons, gritty feel - some mineral particles are visible

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