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Fill in the table dělat take slept dream koupit sell do did vzít, brát

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Presentation on theme: "Fill in the table dělat take slept dream koupit sell do did vzít, brát"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fill in the table dělat take slept dream koupit sell do did vzít, brát
Present - přítomnost Past - minulost dělat take slept dream koupit sell do did vzít, brát took spát sleep snít dreamt buy bought prodat sold

2 Fill in the table 2 řezat, stříhat put read swim běžet drink cut cut
Present - přítomnost Past - minulost řezat, stříhat put read swim běžet drink cut cut položit put číst read plavat swam run ran pít drank

3 Put the sentences in the past
Where is the past? Present - přítomnost Past - minulost Do you like skiing? Did you like skiing? I don´t cook. I didn´t cook. Does he sleep in bed? Did he sleep in bed? I am in a small village. I was in a small village. They leave school. They left school. She dreams of new jacket. She dreamt of new jacket.

4 Put the sentences in the past Does he choose new shoes?
Where is the past? Present - přítomnost Past - minulost What do you read? What did you read? She give me a kiss. She gave me a kiss. Does he choose new shoes? Did he choose new shoes? I meet my friend. I met my friend. We go to the shop. We went to the shop. Where do they skate? Where did they skate?

5 Find eighteen irregular verbs.
M A D E W L F T R O P  T  C U C S  H N G K V H  L WHAT CAME OUT: AT SCHOOL Your task: Make a mind map about school.

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