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The Human Nervous System

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1 The Human Nervous System
Think about it…..

2 Regulation Along with the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, which is a system of glands, the nervous system takes part in regulation. The nervous system’s responses are quicker, but not as long lasting as endocrine responses.

3 Cyton (main part of neuron cell)
Neurons Are nerve cells 3 Types: - Sensory neurons - Interneurons - Motor neurons The space between two neurons is called the synapse Cyton (main part of neuron cell)

4 Neurons

5 Sensory Neurons These take impulses from receptors or sense organs. These are: eyes nose ears tongue skin These impulses go to the brain and spinal cord.

6 Motor Neurons Take impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the EFFECTORS: Muscles or glands

7 Interneurons Take impulses from sensory to motor neurons IN-BETWEEN=

8 Normal Neural Pathway

9 You’ve Got Nerve(s) Nerves: Bundles of neurons or parts of neurons
Types: Sensory Nerves Motor Nerves Mixed Nerves (both of the above combined)

10 Human Nervous System Peripheral Nervous System Central Nervous System
Everything outside of the Central Nervous System Spinal Cord Brain

11 The Brain A large mass of neurons with 3 major parts:
1. The Cerebrum: In humans, the largest part. Thought, Learning and memory happen here. It receives/interprets messages from sense organs and initiates all voluntary movements/responses The Cerebellum: Coordinates all motor activities including balance The Medulla: Connects the brain to the spinal cord. It controls breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, peristalsis: All involuntary activities

12 cerebrum gray matter thalamus cutaway view hypothalamus white matter pituitary gland cerebellum medulla


14 The Peripheral Nervous System
Autonomic Nervous System The Somatic Nervous System Follows orders sent by the medulla, controls involuntary systems such as: Smooth muscle (digestion)___________ex. Cardiac Muscle (circulation)____________ex. Glands_________________ex. Controls all of the nerves of the VOLUNTARY muscles and sensory neurons

15 Habits Learned behavior which becomes automatic through repetition
Nerve pathways for impulses are established with practice Concert pianists, guitar players, athletes, etc. don’t have to think about every finger placement, footstep, etc.

16 Reflexes Automatic, inborn responses to particular stimuli
The set pathways that impulses follow in reflexes are called Reflex Arcs

17 REFLEX ARC Doesn’t go

18 Disorders of the Nervous System
Cerebral Palsy: Group of diseases which affects voluntary movement. Caused by damage done to cerebrum usually during embryonic development Meningitis: Inflammation of the membranes which surround the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by viral or bacterial infections. Symptoms: Fever, chills, headache, muscle stiffness

19 More Disorders Stroke: When the brain is damaged as a result of a ruptured blood vessel in the brain called a cerebral hemorrhage, or a blood clot in a blood vessel in the brain Polio: A viral infection that affects the central nervous system and can cause paralysis. It can be prevented by immunization.

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