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The Weapons and Armour of Medieval Scotland

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1 The Weapons and Armour of Medieval Scotland
By Murray

2 When were Medieval Times ? 5th to 15th Centuries
Early Middle Ages – weapons were poor and armies were small High Middle Ages – Armies were much bigger with tens of thousands of men in them , but weapons were still poor Late Middle Ages – Here come the knights in shining armour on their big horses, this is when lots of castles were built

3 Lets Talk Weapons PICTISH SWORDS – First used in 500 ad – Length 60cm, Width 10cm The same size as a typical shelf in your house

4 VIKING SCABBARD – first used in 800AD length 60cm, width 8cm
The same size as a towel rail in your bathroom!!

5 VIKING SWORD – used in 900AD length 70cm width 5cm
The same size as our Dyson Hoover

6 MEDIEVAL AXE – 1100AD Length 1.2m Width 30cm
this is taller than my little brother

7 ETTRICK BOW AND ARROW – 1300AD Length 1.5m width 5cm
this would be taller than me!!

8 Trebuchet – not a weapon but something that helped them out, it was a machine that could fire things at castles and armies a long distance like an amazing big catapult. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC

9 So how did armies protect themselves?

10 H-SHIELD – 600AD Shaped like a letter H with an Iron circle shield at the front Like the size of a small TV

11 VIKING HELMET – 700AD Made from Iron with leather inside for comfort
VIKING HELMET – 700AD Made from Iron with leather inside for comfort!! Do you think it was comfy? Whats missing??


13 PICTISH BUCKLER 750AD Oak plank with leather on top , for close combat

14 BASCINET HELMET 1300AD Metal head but with armour hanging down from it, called chain mail which hangs down to the neck

15 GREAT HELM 1400AD Worn by the famous William Wallace Went right down past the mouth with holes to breathe but very heavy


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