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Personal Financial Literacy

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1 Personal Financial Literacy
Welcome to Ms. Summerville’s classroom

2 About Ms. Summerville 10th year at McCallum (Government, World History) I’m excited and passionate about getting to teach this course, I truly believe it is SUPER important and beneficial for you I graduated from UCSB, Bachelor’s in Political Science Married, 3 year old son, 4 year old dog, Husband and sister are also high school teachers Hobbies: reading, board games, ping-pong, running, gardening

3 Classroom set up Entering on time and late
put up phones in exchange for card Agenda Blankets Crate/shelf for your supplies Bathroom passes

4 Syllabus About the course
Materials required: small binder with paper and dividers, to be left in class Get parental signature - bookmark in your phone now

5 About you Complete form On back:
A: Why did you pick this elective class? B: What is a question or topic you are hoping to learn about in this class? C: Do you have a job? If so, where and how many hours?

6 Emotional uses of money – finding your personality
Complete worksheet 5 on your own. Money insecurity Money for status Money as compensation Money to control others Money as retaliation Later in semester we will do a more in depth look at your money personality

7 Read about Financial decision-making styles Communicating about money
Your style influenced by attitudes, personality types, past experiences, family dynamics. Awareness and self analysis can bring clarity Money can be MAJOR source of stress, even causing physical ailments and family problems, Values: tithing, clothing, religion, familial obligation,

8 Think about the survey you took
Write 3-4 sentences reflecting on your results. These may address Why you have these feelings about money Discovery about yourself Identifying a money habit you want to change Personal experiences that have affected your attitude about money Put your name at top

9 What is Personal Financial Literacy?

10 Tracking your spending – how much does your lifestyle cost
Use ispending app or handout Track everything!!! Nothing is free except actual gift. Somebody gives you a ride, that is $1/mile. Lets track today. Due 9/26 See

11 Homework Review syllabus with guardian or grown up you are close with
Start tracking expenses, make it a habit! Learn about your phone expenses. Get all the details you can on the total cost of having a phone in order to calculate monthly bill. Don’t worry if you can’t figure out HOW to calculate, just come to class with all the information (monthly bill with data and taxes, initial cost of phone and activation, charges for paying off the phone, warranty/insurance fees)

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