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The relationship between MVT & MHT of AMOC:

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1 The relationship between MVT & MHT of AMOC:
a comparison between observations & ocean state estimation products Tong Lee, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Bill Johns, University of Miami Picture from Refer to Rym’s talk MVT: Meridional Volume Transport MHT: Meridional Heat Transport

2 Motivation Trans-oceanic arrays such as RAPID/MOCHA are designed to monitor MVT. MHT is more climate relevant but more difficult to measure. MVT-MHT empirical relation (linear regression) was inferred from RAPID-MOCHA & auxiliary data (Baringer et al. 2010). Comparison with ocean state estimation (OSE) products. Coordination with GFDL & NCAR for similar analysis. Related to Monday’s talk by Rym Msadek.

3 OSE products used for comparison
ECCO-JPL (1993-present) Near-global, 1°x(0.3°x1°), 46 levels, MITgcm. Prior NCEP forcing. Assimilates anomalies of SSH and vertical T profiles. ECCO2 ( ) Global, 18x18 km, 50 levels, MITgcm cubed-sphere. Prior ECMWF analysis forcing. Assimilate observed SSH anomaly and T/S profiles. GECCO ( ) Near global, 1°x1°, 23 levels, MITgcm Prior NCEP forcing Assimilate a large suite of data

4 Time mean for Apr. 2004- Sept. 2007 at 26.5N:
MVT (max MOC): RAPID (18.5 Sv), ECCO-JPL (15.8), ECCO2 (17.9) MHT: RAPID (1.3 PW), ECCO-JPL (0.9), ECCO2 (1.0) MVT anomaly

5 Comparison of averaged seasonal MVT anomaly

6 Comparison of MVT-MHT linear regression & correlation
Slope: change of MHT per unit MVT Intercept: physical meaning problematic Larger scatter due to eddies?

7 Little dependence of MVT-MHT relation on time period (GECCO)

8 Relatively large dependence of MVT-MHT relation on time scale
Smaller slope for longer time scales: geostrophic shear flow advecting smaller vertical T gradient (than Ekman)

9 Dependence of MVT-MHT relation on latitude:
Relatively high regression & correlation coeff. in subtropics & 15N due to dominant overturning contribution & minor gyre contribution

10 Summary Time mean MVT and MHT in 3 ECCO products are some what too weak Seasonal variation reasonably well reproduced. MVT-MHT regression slope and correlation: Low-resolution model closer to RAPID/MOCHA estimate; effect of eddies? Little variation in different decades. Relatively large dependence on time scales (monthly from interannual). Subtropical N. & S. Alt. and near 15N have relatively large regression and correlation coefficients between MVT & MHT. STILL NEED TO UNDERSTAND HOW MVT & MHT ARE FORCED DIFFERENTLY, ESP. ON LONGER TIME SCALES!

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