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Organic farming in the Czech Republic

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1 Organic farming in the Czech Republic
Mgr. Karolína Dytrtová Institute for Ecological Agriculture and Sustainable Landscape Management

2 Czech Republic Central Europe area 78 866 km² (water 2%)
population continental climate temperature differences 3.1 million ha of arable land share of workers in the primary economic sector (agriculture, forestry and fishery) – 4,3%

3 Agriculture mountain and submountain area
with forests and permanent grasslands Livestock production: mainly cattle (for milk and meat), as well as pigs and poultry. There is a very large network of breeding ponds with carp production – carp is a traditional Czech Christmas Eve dish.

4 Agriculture lowlands with arable land

5 Main crops all main kinds of grain (wheat, barley, rye, oat and corn), white beet for sugar production, potatoes, rape, poppy,  hops …..

6 Conventional agriculture – high inputs

7 History and Development of Organic Agriculture
started in 1989 with 2 organic farms 1989 to 2002 there was a strong growth of the organic land 1990: 4 organic farmers' associations were founded Ministry of Agriculture supported all new organic farmers through direct subsidies per hectare. 1993 :first regulation on organic agriculture, and the certification and control system was started + organic sector decided to have common "BIO" logo. 2000: first national organic legislation 2000: CR on the list of third countries 2004: Action plam for OF to 2010 2006: rapid grow – agro-envi subsidy

8 Organic Statistics No. of organic farmers: 1776, this year 448
Organic land area: 7,84% of total agricultural area (the aim is 10% by 2010) No. of manufacturers: 375 No. of organic food products: app 60% imported

9 Structure of organically farmed land area

10 The size of organic enterprises in the Czech Rep.

11 Regions of the Czech Republic

12 Number of organic farms and % share in regions

13 Organic farm area and % share in regions

14 Employment at organic enterprises



17 RDP support Preferential point allowance for OF
Axis I – Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector I.1.1 Modernization of agricultural holdings I.1.3 Adding value to agricultural and food products I.3.2 Setting up of young farmers Axis III – The quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy III.1.1. Diversification into non-agricultural activities III. 1.3 Encouragement of tourism activities Preferential point allowance for OF

18 Legislation applicable to organic farming
Council Regulation (EC) No .834/2007 National legislation - Act No. 242/2000 Coll. Private standards: Production Directive of the PRO-BIO Association

19 Control bodies and certification
3 Independent Certification and control bodies

20 Organic Food Consumption
0,2% of total food consumption* € 1.75 per person/year Mainly in large and middle size cities Women with higher education, aged 25 – 44 3% consumers buy OF regularly 26% buy occasionally 54% know organic food label * Source Green marketing

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