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Skeletal Disorders Bone Tumors and Cancer benign or malignant

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1 Skeletal Disorders Bone Tumors and Cancer benign or malignant
osteosarcoma chondrosarcoma -tumor in bone tissue -tumor in cartilage in or on bone

2 Osteosarcoma

3 Osteosarcoma

4 Osteosarcoma

5 Bone Diseases Osteoporosis excessive loss of calcified matrix
Paget Disease increased and irregular bone formation bones become larger and abnormal shape -due to malnutrition -pores formed as bone tissue is lost -bone often grows into marrow spaces causing thickening

6 Bone Fractures (see handout)
open (compound) closed complete incomplete comminuted impacted linear transverse oblique -bone pierces skin, inc. chance of infection -simple -bone separates completely -bones still joined -breaks that produce many fragments -bone fragments driven into each other -parallel to bone -straight across bone -on a diagonal

7 Inflammatory Joint Disease (Arthritis)
-redness, heat, swelling, pain Inflammatory Joint Disease (Arthritis) rheumatoid arthritis inflammation of synovial membrane and articular cartilage severe crippling infectious arthritis infection of joint tissues by pathogens Lyme Disease -joint membranes -due to deformity of joints -disease-causing organisms -caused by bacterium carried by ticks -leads to inflammation of joints

8 Osteoporosis on Bone Density



11 Paget Disease

12 Paget Disease




16 Rheumatoid Arthritis

17 Lyme Disease







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