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ATTC Network Orientation

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1 ATTC Network Orientation
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

2 The ATTC Network Committed to helping the field stay abreast of “what works” in order to enhance their skills and change their practice

3 ATTC Network History 1993: 11 Regional Centers were first funded by CSAT to serve 22 states 1998: 13 Regional Centers and a National Office 2002: 14 Regional Centers and a National Office serve all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and the Pacific Trust Territories 2007: Refunded by CSAT through 2012 to serve all states and territories 3 3

4 ATTC Purpose Raise awareness of evidence-based and promising treatment and recovery service practices, Build skills to prepare the workforce to deliver state-of-the-art addictions treatment and recovery services, and Change practice by incorporating these new skills into everyday use for the purpose of improving addictions treatment and recovery outcomes.

5 The ATTC Network 5

6 How the Network Does its Work
National Approach Respond to SAMHSA Develop Network Strategic Plan Form Network Workgroups Collaborate on Cross-ATTC Projects Partner with ATTC Advisory Group and other stakeholders Promote & Market Network Products Regional Approach Respond to SAMHSA Conduct State Needs Assessments Develop Work Plans Based on Needs Assessments Respond to needs of SSAs & Other State/Regional Stakeholders Partner with Regional Advisory Group Engage in Cross-ATTC Projects 6

7 The ATTC Network Priority Areas
Workforce Development Technology Transfer and Systems Change Performance Monitoring and Quality Improvement Recovery-Oriented Systems of Care Communication and Network Development 7

8 Characteristics of all Regional Centers
Focus primarily on front-line addictions counselors and clinical supervisors, but also serve multi-disciplinary groups Address multi-system issues Provide education and training Work to improve standards and policies in the field 8

9 Unique Aspects of all Regional Centers
Location Target Audience/Discipline Educational Focus Systems Focus Staff Expertise 9

10 NIDA/SAMHSA Blending Initiative
Transfers scientific findings into mainstream addiction treatment practice Five Blending Products available: Buprenorphine Treatment Buprenorphine Detoxification Treatment Planning M.A.T.R.S. (Measurable, Achievable, Timely, Realistic, Specific) Promoting Awareness of Motivational Incentives (PAMI) Motivational Interviewing Assessment: Supervisory Tools for Enhancing Performance (MIA: STEP)

11 NIDA/SAMHSA Blending Initiative, Cont.
Find all products at:

12 Government Results and Performance Act (GPRA) Measures
Number of events Number of participants Number of participants who report satisfaction with event Number of participants who report applying the knowledge/skills from events in their work Surveys done at baseline and 3 months

13 GPRA Findings Since 2005, ATTCs have served approximately 148,000 individuals in approximately 5,000 events 93% of those surveyed report satisfaction with the event 83% reports sharing the information with others 79% report applying the information in their work

14 National Evaluation of the ATTC Network
Purpose: Identify successes of technology transfer efforts across the Network Share lessons learned across Regions for the enhancement of all Regional activities Distinguish between Region-specific and more common processes and outcomes

15 National Evaluation, Cont.
Approach: A mix of quantitative and qualitative data Attention to both process and outcome

16 National Workforce Survey
Purpose is to understand: Demographics of the current workforce What are the anticipated workforce development needs for What are common strategies & methods to prepare, retain & maintain the workforce

17 National Workforce Survey, Cont.
All Regional Centers will participate Approach will be both qualitative and quantitative Directors of agencies listed in the I-SSATS will be sampled Final Report--2012

18 Network Resources & Publications
An Overview: The Change Book: A Blueprint for Technology Transfer-outlines the steps necessary to effect change within an organization PFR/ATTC Leadership Institute-a unique professional development opportunity for emerging leaders to cultivate their leadership potential The Training Point: An Uncommon Learning Exchange for Addictions Trainers-a seven week course designed to enhance the knowledge and abilities of individuals to teach adult learners

19 Network Resources and Publications PFR/ATTC Leadership Institute Resources and Publications Catalog Directory of Addiction Study Programs (DASP) Addiction Science Made Easy The Bridge Certification Info Eye on the Field

20 ATTC Network website Explore Learn Find Regional Centers
National Programs & Initiatives ATTC Priority Areas Learn Featured Topics Library Term Master Educational Opportunities Find Resources and Publications Events Certification Info 20

21 E-Publications The Bridge: the research and practice of technology transfer Eye on the Field: news and updates in the field of addictions treatment The Bridge (quarterly) Eye on the Field (monthly) 21

22 Certification Info Find basic information on a variety of state, national, and some international bodies that offer licensing & credentialing for addictions counselors 22

23 ATTC Publications Catalog
A comprehensive list of ATTC Network products, publications, and tools Find new ideas, identify potential collaborations, lessen duplication of effort, identify research 23

24 An international reference for distance education opportunities 24

25 For Further Information ATTC National Office 5100 Rockhill Road, UMKC Kansas City, MO (O) (F) Catherine D. Nugent, LCPC SAMHSA/CSAT

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