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Communication When, what, and how we say things matters

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Presentation on theme: "Communication When, what, and how we say things matters"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication When, what, and how we say things matters
Tracey Whitley, BSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM This is a narrated presentation and you must watch in Slide show format for links and narration to work.

2 Sample for Graduate Class Submission
This module is live and narrated for the clinical group. (in order to upload it here, I had to take the narration off due to file size) The following is their assignment as posted in Moodle Communication Powerpoint File Please view this presentation and read one article.  Post a brief synopsis of what you have learned in the Forum located in the week of 11/18.  Post no later than 11/18 at Please respond to several of the posts of your classmates as well. Article 1 File Article 2 File Article 3 File Article 4 File Article 5 File Article 6 File Article 7 File Article 8 File Article 9 File Article 10 File Article 11 The assignment will be completed after my assignment is due for this class. I will include some of the discussion in my student work examples.

3 When do we communicate? On admission Report
Provider  Nurse Nurse  Provider During a procedure or situation Transfer of care During shift Shift change Transfer to another unit Transfer to procedural area (operating room, radiology, diagnostic area) Return from procedural area Discharge (Every moment of every day…)

4 What do we communicate? Talking to patients (do we talk with them or at them?) Patient information Presenting problem(s) Test results Shift / occurrences Request for information Orders Request for Clarification Plan of Care Ancillary services (how do we request their service?)

5 How do we communicate? Verbal Written In-person Telephone
Emergent Nonemergent Telephone Through another person Written Progress notes, nursing notes, other types of notes Orders Results

6 Effective Communication
Open Clear Timely Close-looped Honest Accurately Read Back and Affirmed Caring Completely Empathy Consistently Confident Direct

7 Why does communication matter?
IOM report to Err is Human (2000) 44,000-98,000 deaths among inpatients alone This number does not include those we hurt but do not kill! Communication breakdown is one of the main causes of error This number is the equivalent of a jumbo jet crashing EVERY day. Let’s start the conversation!

8 What have you seen in your clinical area to assist with communication?
Procedural Timeout? Transfer handoff forms? SBAR communication? Critical Result form? Request for services from another department?

9 Activity Watch the following videos
The first three are from a study by AACN (Critical Care association) and AORN (OR association) There are a total of 3- watch all three (1 ½ minutes each) The video is from the Cleveland Clinic and focuses on Empathy

10 Assignment Answer the following in a paragraph:
Pick one of the articles posted in Moodle. Read the article Write a short thoughtful response about communication. Post your response to Moodle Respond to 2 of your peers

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