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CH 7: Privileges and Penalties

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Presentation on theme: "CH 7: Privileges and Penalties"— Presentation transcript:

1 CH 7: Privileges and Penalties

2 The Driving Privilege Driving is a privilege, not a right…
This means your license can be suspended if you fail to obey driving laws. A suspended license means, your license is taken away for a period of time During this time you may not drive a motor vehicle A habitual offender – A person who has had their license suspended 3 times in a 3 year period.

3 Point System To keep track of a motorist’s driving record.
If you are convicted of a violation, points are added to your license The more serious the violation, the more points you receive.

4 Subtracted Points For every year a motorist goes without a violation, points are subtracted from their record. Up to 3 points will be subtracted, but you may never go below 0 points.

5 License Suspension Receiving 12-24 points in a 24 month period.
You will receive a notice of scheduled suspension from the MVC

6 Suspended License Once you receive the notice of suspension, you must do 1 of the following: Attend a NJ Driver Improvement Program Request a hearing Surrender your license for the suspension period.

7 Driving w/a Suspended License
Consequences for driving while on suspension: Fine between $500-$1000 6 months extra suspension time 5-10 days in jail

8 Driving While Suspended
If you drive while on suspension and you have a collision that causes injury: Fine Added Suspension Time 45 Days in Jail

9 Work License? NJ does not allow special work licenses.
If you have a suspended license, you may not drive at all for any reason until the suspension period has ended.

10 Restored License Once your license has been restored:
A motorist will have a probationary period for one year.

11 DUI: License Suspension
There are different suspensions and penalties: Factors: Age BAC Percentage 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Offense

12 Implied Consent Law This means:
If you are a NJ Driver, you have already given consent to a breath test, just by using NJ roadways

13 Implied Consent If you refuse: Detained
Brought to hospital where they draw blood (Mandatory) MVC Insurance surcharge of $1000 for 3 years ($3000)

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