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Walk-through for CC for Education, Device License Administration Console & Deployment This short presentation is designed to acquaint you with the procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk-through for CC for Education, Device License Administration Console & Deployment This short presentation is designed to acquaint you with the procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk-through for CC for Education, Device License Administration Console & Deployment
This short presentation is designed to acquaint you with the procedures and tools for packaging Creative Cloud for Education with device licensing and using the admin console .If you are deploying through a named deployment please use a different deck for instructions. You can also view these as notes with the icon in the top left in PDF form. Rev

2 Walk-through for CC for Education, Device License Administration Console
This short presentation is designed to acquaint you with the procedures and tools for packaging Creative Cloud for Education with device licensing and using the admin console .If you are deploying through a named deployment please use a different deck for instructions. You can also view these as notes with the icon in the top left in PDF form. Rev

3 Access the Admin Console – Sign in on
First, to access the Admin console, VIP Admins will need to Sign in to the Admin Console Sign in to by clicking Sign In on the top global navigation bar and entering the Admin Adobe ID and password associated with the VIP membership. -or-

4 Access the Admin Console
If they are already signed in from any other pages, click their name in the top navigation bar. In the navigation pane or pop-up menu, click Manage Team. This directs them to the Admin console, where they can manage their VIP licenses.

5 Admin Console view: No Device Licenses
Here, we are seeing the new enhanced VIP Admin Console view for an education customer with a VIP that has both named-user and device licenses. The first thing to notice is the navigation bar where Admins will now see sections for both named-user and device licenses. Education Admins will now be able to easily manage all their named and device licenses within this single Console environment. One thing to note here, the screen you are seeing here and the rest of the Admin Console screens in this session new Admin Console screens for device license management. Customers who have named-user licenses will still see and use the same Admin Console management screens they are using today, we have not changed these and how they work for named-user licenses. VIP Members that access the Admin Console prior to placing an order for device licenses will see this screen. This includes valuable information about deployment, how to order device licenses, and links members to the VIP terms & conditions. If the Admin selects the “Learn more” link here they will be taken to a new Help page for managing device licenses using the VIP Admin Console. This new Help page looks like the following…

6 New Help Page: Admin Console for device licenses
New Help pages for managing device licenses in the Admin Console. Adobe Help: Admin Console for device licenses

7 Admin Console view: No Device Licenses
When the Admin selects “All” in the device license section here, they are presented with the main device license management screen.

8 Admin Console view: Main page
This is the main device license management screen where the Admin will see their purchased deployment pools representing the various Creative Cloud Device license products they have purchased, and the number of device licenses purchased for each Creative Cloud product. For this customer VIP example, there are 3 device license deployment pools, one each for Creative Cloud Complete, Dreamweaver and Photoshop.

9 Admin Console view: Purchased Licenses
The “Purchased license” section will be updated to show the latest count of purchased licenses as orders and returns are processed through the Adobe ordering systems making sure the Admin always knows how many licenses they are entitled to use to help them maintain software compliance.

10 Admin Console view: Active Licenses
The Active and Available licenses sections will also automatically update as orders and returns are processed and as Admins activate and deactivate licenses on devices so they always have an up-to-date picture of their license deployments. In this case the customer has purchased 18 Creative Cloud Complete device licenses, 6 of which have already been activated and are in use on specific devices, leaving 12 licenses available for use on additional devices. And below this are the purchased, Active and available licenses for Photoshop and Dreamweaver.

11 Admin Console view: View Deployment Pool details
The Admin can click into any of the available products to see a list of the devices that are currently using licenses. For instance, If the Admin clicked on the Creative Cloud Complete line on this screen (or the arrow as shown here) they will see a detailed list of devices that are currently using these licenses and that screen will look like the following…

12 View devices with active licenses
For the Creative Cloud Complete deployment pool we can now see the names of the specific devices that are currently using these licenses. Once a license is activated on a device, the name of the device will show in the list for the product that was licensed on the device. In the list that’s displayed, the number of available or unassigned licenses, if any, is listed first so it is immediately clear to the Admin how many purchased licenses are still available for use on other devices. These licenses show as “Available” in the Status column. Below the Available licenses is the list of devices, by device name, that are currently using a purchased license. Devices using a purchased license will show as “Active” in the Status column.    The main device license summary screen showed that 6 Creative Cloud Complete licenses were active or currently being used, and the six devices using these licenses are shown here by device name – device-01 through device-06. Device names listed here are the actual device name that was assigned to the device when it was last configured through the operating system. Adobe does assign these names and honors the naming convention the Admin has configured on the devices. A quick note here on how device licenses are activated. Unlike named-user licenses, device licenses cannot be activated on or assigned to a specific device directly from the Admin Console. After installing the Creative Cloud applications on the desired device, one of the installed applications must be launched on the device for the license to be activated and assigned to the device. Once the first application is launched and the license is assigned to the device, the device name will appear in the Admin Console with an Active license. 12

13 Walk-through for CC for Education, Device License Deactivating a License
This short presentation is designed to acquaint you with the procedures and tools for packaging Creative Cloud for Education with device licensing and using the admin console .If you are deploying through a named deployment please use a different deck for instructions. You can also view these as notes with the icon in the top left in PDF form. Rev

14 Deactivating a device license
License Deactivation - helps Admins manage computer failures and quickly swap-out problem computers NOT intended to be used as a concurrent licensing process or to move licenses back and forth between multiple classrooms/labs Re-activating a license requires significant steps completely re-installing the applications on the device or special re-licensing processes Deactivating licenses should be used to help Admins manage computer failures and the need to quickly swap-out problem computers. It is NOT intended to be used as a concurrent licensing process or a process where device licenses are moved back forth between multiple classrooms or labs so that they do not have to purchase additional licenses. If necessary, please make sure customers are clear on what the intention is for using the deactivation process. Once a license has been deactivated on a device, re-activating a license requires significant steps involving either completely re-installing the applications on the device, or other special re-licensing processes. We’ll cover what’s involved in reactivating a license in a few minutes.

15 Deactivating a device license
The Status column, is where the Admin can deactivate a license on a specific device. Note: In this example, there are 14 available licenses and 4 active licenses being used.  15

16 Deactivate license on device-04
For example here, if the Admin needed to release the license being used by device-04 because this device had failed, they would click the deactivate button on the row for device-04 and a pop-up window will then appear asking them to confirm that they want this license deactivated. To learn more about deactivating device licenses, the Admin can select the “Learn more” link here to be taken to the deactivating licenses section of the new Help pages. The Admin would then click to confirm the deactivation and the license will be released from device-04 so it can be available for use on the replacement device. 16

17 Deactivate license on device-04
Once the license is deactivated, this green message box will appear at the top of the AC showing that the license was successfully deactivated from device-04. You’ll notice that the available licenses count has been incremented by one to 15 now since the deactivated license is now available for use on another device. And the Deactivated Devices list has been incremented by one to 3 as well. Once a license is deactivated on a specific device by the Admin, a log of this deactivation will appear in the Deactivated Devices list. This is a list of deactivated device licenses which can be viewed by the Admin at any time in the Console by clicking on Deactivated Devices here… 17

18 Deactivate license on device-04
This is the Deactivated device license screen which shows all licenses that have been deactivated by the Admin. This shows the name of the device, the product license that was deactivated and the date of deactivation by the Admin. One note here, if a license is reactivated on a device it will be removed from this list. For example, if the Admin came back later and reactivated the CC Complete license on device-04, the listing for device-04 would be removed from this list at the time of reactivation. Reactivating a device license will be covered in the next section. 18

19 Deactivate license when the Admin goes back to the main Device license summary screen, they will see that the Active and Available license counts have been updated based on this latest deactivation of the CC Complete license on device-04. Here the Active license count has gone down by one to 3 total active licenses and the Available license count has gone up by one to 15. 19

20 Deactivated device license
On Admin Console: Deactivated license is recognized in AC immediately Deactivated license becomes available for use immediately Deactivated device shows in Deactivated Device list On deactivated device: Apps stop working – no grace period after check-in License Denied message appears when attempting to launch apps What happens in the Admin Console and on the device once a license is deactivated? In the Admin Console: The deactivated license is recognized immediately and becomes available for use by the Admin on a replacement device The Deactivated Devices list is updated to show the latest deactivated device On the deactivated device: The CC applications on the device can no longer be used by the users A “License Denied” message will appear on the device when a user tries to launch a CC application on the device. The “License Denied” will appear as follows…

21 License Denied Message
This is what the License Denied screen looks like on the device when the user tries to launch a CC app after license deactivation. 21

22 Walk-through for CC for Education, Device License Reactivating a License
Let’s take a quick look at reactivating a license on a device that had a license previously deactivated. This might occur if a device had a hardware failure and the license was moved to another device until the original device was repaired. As mentioned earlier, there are some involved steps to reactivate a license on a previously deactivated device and we’ll spend a few minutes on this so you are aware of some of the process details around this. Rev

23 To reactivate a previously deactivated device license, the Admin has two options:
Re-install the applications on the device using the Creative Cloud Packager Use this process if: Creative Cloud apps were removed or uninstalled from the device The Admin wants to install a different set of apps than what is currently on the device The product hasn’t been updated in some time Create a new license file on the device Ideal for replacing a currently-installed product with a new license file of the same product Requires using the ‘Create License File’ process in Creative Cloud Packager, see the Appendix for directions The Admin has two options to reactivate a device license on a device that was previously deactivated. The first option is to completely re-install the desired Creative Cloud application on the device using the standard Creative Cloud Packer processes for device licenses. Admins should use this process when: The Creative Cloud apps were completely removed or uninstalled from the device after it was deactivated The Admin wants to install a different set of apps than what was originally installed on the device The CC applications currently on the device have not been updated in some time (Admin needs the latest version of the CC apps on the device) The second option is to create a new license file on the device. This process is ideal when the device still has the correct CC apps installed on it and therefore, there is no need to re-install the CC software. For this situation, Admins will need to use the “Create License File” process that is part of the Creative Cloud Packager process for Education customers, detailed instructions listed in the appendix file.

24 Creative Cloud Packager – Create License File
Admins must log into CCP and use the Create License File process to create a new serialized license file for the required CC apps. Once the new license file is created, the Admin can install the license file on the device. The Create License File process is detailed in the Creative Cloud Packager help pages at the following link or on Appendix slide 60 Once the license file is installed, a CC app must be launched on the device for the license to be assigned to the device and appear as an active license in the Admin Console. 24

25 Workflow for IT Administrators (Device Based Subscription Only)
Step 1. Enroll in VIP Expect an invitation from reseller to join. Accept the Terms and Conditions. Step 2. Place order for software. Order the software from the reseller. Step 3. Package Software Use Creative Cloud Packager to package software This deck is to be used for CC for Education as a device based subscription ONLY. If using named users, the standard CCT for CCP workflow should be used. Ideally you would have completed steps 1 and 2 prior to receiving this deck. They are referenced in case you have not previous done these steps. If you have already successfully completed steps 1 & 2 proceed to slide 8 for deployment. Step 1. The institution should be invited to join the VIP program by their reseller. They will receive an and will need to click the link to accept the “Terms and Conditions” in order to be successfully enrolled. Step 2. Next the education institution should place their order with the reseller their software (device licenses). To help education customers understand the differences in the ordering and deployment processes for named-user and device licenses they will see this new initial screen when accessing the Admin Console. Step 3. Now we’re going to cover the device license deployment process. This will give you step by step view of how the process will work for device licenses. Step 4. Deploy the package and the exceptions. Step 4. Deploy Package and Exceptions

26 Step 1: Enroll in VIP and Accept the Terms and Conditions
You will be sent an invitation to join VIP, you will receive an similar to the one shown here. Be sure to click here to accept the terms and conditions to join the VIP program. Your reseller will send the VIP invitation to the you via . Your invitation will look similar to this with the appropriate customer and reseller specific information. If you have seen one of these invitations before, you may notice that what is shown here is slightly different from previous VIP invitations. This invitation has been modified to accommodate our new Creative Cloud for education offer. You should click “here” to link to the VIP enrollment process, read & accept the terms and conditions, and complete enrollment.

27 Step 1: Accept the Terms and Conditions
Enroll Step 1: Accept the Terms and Conditions Shown above are the terms and conditions screen, you should click the terms & conditions link, reads through these and chooses to accept. Be sure to click here to accept the terms and conditions to join the VIP program.

28 Step 1: Welcome to VIP Enroll
Once the you accept the terms & conditions, you will see this Welcome to VIP screen confirming their enrollment. You will also receive a VIP acceptance confirmation . This window and the confirmation welcomes you to VIP and also provides a link to the Admin Console. Although you will see a link to the Admin console, you will not be able to add or deploy device licenses until your device license order is placed through your reseller and you receive an order confirmation. Although the link takes you to the Admin Console, you need to complete step 2 and place your order before you can begin deployment.

29 Step 2: Place the Order for the Device License Software
Order Creative Cloud The device license ordering process is very much the same as the ordering process for CLP today. You will issue a PO to the reseller and the reseller will place the order with their distributor who will order the device licenses from Adobe either through EDI or LWS. Once the order is received by Adobe, the term of the device licenses will be calculated based on the VIP Anniversary Date and an order confirmation will be sent to the VIP administrator and the channel partners.

30 Step 2: Customer Order Processed Email
When the your device license order has been processed and fulfilled, the VIP administrator and the reseller will receive a device license order confirmation similar to the one shown here. This is an order confirmation message specifically for Creative Cloud for education device licenses and is different than the order confirmation message customers and resellers will receive for named-user license orders. The will detail the products and device license quantities ordered and will direct the administrator to the Admin Console to access the deployment tools for packaging and deploying the device licenses. Link to the Admin Console for Deployment

31 Step 2a: Admin Console Named user licenses are listed here
Information on purchasing device licenses are listed here Once you receive your order confirmation and login to the admin console, you will see a screen similar to this. Here, we are seeing the new enhanced VIP Admin Console view for an education customer with a VIP that has both named-user and device licenses. The first thing to notice is the navigation bar where Admins will now see sections for both named-user and device licenses. Education Admins will now be able to easily manage all their named and device licenses within this single Console environment. One thing to note here, the screen you are seeing here and the rest of the Admin Console screens shown are the new Admin Console screens for device license management. Customers who have named-user licenses will still see and use the same Admin Console management screens they are using today, we have not changed these and how they work for named-user licenses. VIP Members that access the Admin Console prior to placing an order for device licenses will see this screen. This includes valuable information about deployment, how to order device licenses, and links members to the VIP terms & conditions. If the Admin selects the “Learn more” link here they will be taken to a new Help page for managing device licenses using the VIP Admin Console. Device licenses are listed here

32 Step 3: Install Creative Cloud Packager, deployment tool
There are a few notable things about the Deployment Tools tab: This is where the IT administrator will download Creative Cloud Packager for their appropriate operating system (Windows or Mac). You’ll need a Mac version to package Mac software and a Windows version to package Windows software. Note, if you have already downloaded the Creative Cloud Packager, updates will be delivered to the application on launch. There is quick video about Creative Cloud Packager specific to device licenses shown in the red circle. If customers are new to using Creative Cloud Packager or want to better understand the Creative Cloud Packager deployment processes for device licenses, please make sure they select this link and access the very helpful Creative Cloud Packager device license information and video. There is also a link to the Creative Cloud Packager Help page on for more detailed information And one important additional note here… You will notice these buttons at the top of the page, Assign Users and Add Licenses. These buttons only apply to named user licenses at this time, and should not be used to add new device licenses or assign device licenses. Once you are in the admin console, look down the left hand column at the Admin Tools, Select Deployment Tools. You will click on the download links to download the Creative Packager Tool

33 Step 3: Install Creative Cloud Packager
Deploy You’ll need to download the Creative Cloud Packager and install it. You’ll need a Mac version to package Mac software and a Windows version to package Windows software. Note, if you have already downloaded the Creative Cloud Packager, updates will be delivered to the application on launch. Launcher Application Installs the Creative Cloud Packager

34 Step 4: Accept License Agreement for Creative Cloud Packager
Deploy After installation, you will need to accept the license agreement. Accept the License Agreement

35 Step 5: Log in with your VIP Admin Credentials
      enter the AdobeID/Password combo used to access as an admin. Note, you will need to be online with internet access to use the Creative Cloud Packager.

36 Step 5: Choose the product you purchased
Deploy Select Creative Cloud for education After downloading and launching Creative Cloud Packager, the administrator will select their product purchased. VIP Administrators of education organizations who have purchased named-user or device licenses should select the Creative Cloud for education option as shown here. Note, you will need to be online with internet access to use the Creative Cloud Packager.

37 Step 6: Create a Package Click here Deploy
Then, click the Create Package button If you are a previous CCT customer and are moving to device based licensing you will need to select option 3, create a license file. If you are a previous EEA customer moving to device based licensing you will need to select this option as well. See slides xx for more detail.

38 Step 7: Name and Choose Save Location for the Package
Deploy A B C:\Users\IT_Admin\Desktop Name the package Choose a Save location: Desktop The administrator uses Packager to create packages and deploy the specific Creative Cloud products they have licensed. On the Package Details screen, you must define: The name of the deployment package they want to create, shown as letter A above Where the package will be saved to for the deployment step, noted as letter B above. One these have been defined, they will click the Select button and proceed to defining which specific products they want to include in the deployment package.

39 Step 7: Choose the License Type for the Package
Deploy C:\Users\IT_Admin\Desktop C C). Choose “Device License” Choose Select Package with Device License from the License Type pop-up menu, as shown with letter C above.

40 Step 7: Select Deployment Pool
C:\Users\IT_Admin\Desktop Choose Deployment Pool, Select to choose the products you will deploy (see the next slide) The Creative Cloud Desktop application is a multipurpose desktop utility. This option should not be enabled for Creative Cloud for Education Device License as it requires admin privileges on the machine and access to services, that are not part of the Device License.

41 Step 7: Choose the deployment pool
In the Select Deployment Pool screen: The admin is shown which products are available for device license deployment. This screen will also show which products have already been deployed and to how many devices. In this case here, the Creative Cloud for education complete plan has already been deployed to two devices.

42 Step 7: Additional Options
C:\Users\IT_Admin\Desktop You can click the Package Configuration link (D) to get to some advanced options. D. Click for Additional Options

43 Step 8: Advanced Configuration Options
This option (default) turns off the ability for users to update on their own. IT will manage and deploy updates. A A B Generally speaking, IT Admins do not need to change any of the default settings. By default, CCP turns off the ability for end-users to update the software on their own and presumes that IT will manage the update process. If users are Admins on their machines, you could allow them to update on their own. You may, optionally, control the update process using your own internal update server. We’ve included additional information about Adobe’s free tools such as the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST) and the Remote Update Manager (RUM) in the appendix to this presentation. C When on, this option allows Admin users to update the software on their own. B When enabled, this option redirects updates to your own internal Adobe update server. C Win Screen Shown For Mac, AIR may also be disabled

44 Step 9: Select Package Language
A) Select Package Language Select the Package Language (A). Using the Creative Cloud Packager, you can package the software in any supported language. You will need to create separate packages for each language you want to install. 27 Languages are available

45 Step 10: Choose Creative Cloud apps to Package
B) Select CC Apps to package C) Enable this option to select and package CS6 applications Next, you’ll select the software to package (B). Simply click the checkbox next to the application you need. If you enable “Show Archived Versions” (C), CCP will also show you CS6 versions of applications. One nice thing about the Creative Cloud Packager is that once you go through the build process, the software installer is cached so you don’t need to download it again. An downward pointing arrow shows that Photoshop, in this case, has already been downloaded.

46 Option: Packaging Updates only
Click to see available updates Note: All CC patches are cumulative. If you have already deployed Creative Cloud apps, you may in the future wish to deploy an update. Creative Cloud updates and upgrades are no longer bound to the yearly or 18-month release cycles of the past. Now, Adobe is delivering feature-bearing updates throughout the year, typically each month we see updates to some of the products. If you twirl down the arrow next to an app you will see all of the updates which are available for the app. When you do so, simply deselect the app itself – in this case Photoshop– and select all of the updates. It is worth noting that all patches for Creative Cloud apps are cumulative.

47 How do I learn about updates?
Keep up to date with the latest Creative Cloud updates . . . Unlike the monolithic month release cycle of the past, Creative Cloud apps are updated more or less continuously. For example, since the June release of Creative Cloud, we have had a significant update to Photoshop which introduced the new Generator feature for web developers. Adobe updates software at other times for OS compatibility, bug fixes, stability and security. So, you can expect the cadence of updates to increase. You can keep up with the latest updates via our Creative Cloud Enterprise Update blog.

48 Step 11: Start Packaging Click to Package
Once you’ve selected all of the apps and updates, you are ready to package. Click the Build button to begin the build process. Click to Package

49 Step 12: Package Complete
When the process completes, you will see the Summary screen. This process may take some time to download the software. Once the admin has selected products and created the package: The Summary screen shows the created package’s details. The package is now ready for deployment. Use an enterprise deployment tool such as Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), Apple Remote Desktop, or JAMF Casper Suite to deploy the created packages. You can build various packages which deploy only certain applications if needed for different groups in your organization or you can deploy the entire product set. If deploying the entire product set it will take a considerable amount of time. Top Tip Creative Cloud applications are large. A full download is over 12GB To save time, select all the apps and build a Creative Cloud Complete Package and let them download after you leave for the day. All of the installers will be cached which will allow you to quickly build your other packages.

50 Step 13: Find the Package Folder
Installers Exceptions require additional steps Let’s take a look at the result of the process. You’ll see a build folder and – possibly– and exceptions folder.

51 Build Folder: Installers
The build folder contains the installer file and the Adobe software which is now ready to push down to your users. This will include a MSI file for Windows or a PKG file for Mac Installer MSI or PKG file

52 Exceptions Folder Exceptions require additional steps to deploy.
See: Deploying Exceptions The Exceptions folder contains software which cannot be packaged by the Creative Cloud Packager. On the Windows platform, Adobe Acrobat and Muse would be an exception. If you are deploying Acrobat this should be done PRIOR to CC installation. You can double-click the ExceptionInfo.txt file for more details about how to package the exception and I’ve included a link here to help with this. Open the ExceptionsInfo.txt file for instructions

53 Exceptions Acrobat Pro (Windows only) Adobe Muse (Windows only)
Must be deployed separately and before the rest of the CC apps Advanced tuning of Acrobat may be done with the Acrobat Customization Wizard Adobe Muse (Windows only) For more details about deploying Muse, see: I already mentioned that CCP may create an Exceptions folder. The Exceptions folder contains items that need additional steps to deploy. Acrobat Pro on Windows also requires additional steps. CCP outputs a MSI file which you should use with your standard Windows deployment tool. Acrobat should be installed BEFORE the rest of the CC applications. When the CC installer runs, it will serialize Acrobat. You may customize Acrobat further using the Acrobat Customization Wizard, just don’t enter a serial number in the tool.

54 Packager Preferences Click for Preferences
The Creative Cloud Packager has some Preferences you can control . . .

55 Cache folder for Downloads
The Creative Cloud Packager caches downloads. You can set your preferred download folder or purge the download cache to save disk space. So, if you package Photoshop, you won’t have to download it again. The Creative Cloud Packager caches downloads. You can set your preferred download folder or purge the download cache to save disk space.

56 Ports & Hostnames Required for Creative Cloud Packager
The following host/port combinations may need to be whitelisted in order to package Creative Cloud for Education: License Validation Product Download Adobe ID Sign-in Language Support Packaging Services, 80, 80 80, 443 The Creative Cloud Packager needs access to certain Adobe hostnames and ports to package the software. Our latest version of the Creative Cloud Packager also support Proxy PAC servers for organizations which use them.

57 Command Line Tools Installed with the Creative Cloud Packager
Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\CCP\utilities Mac: Applications/Utilities/Adobe Application Manager/CCP/utilities XDA* Exceptions Deployer Application Utility to help push out components which CCP cannot package RUM Remote Update Manager Remotely update end-user CC installations Apply silently to non-admin users When you download CCP, a number of command-line utilities are also installed. I’ve included the path to the installations so you can find them. The Exceptions Deployer Application., which is available at the root of the CCP folder, helps you package items that CCP cannot directly package. Examples of apps that CCP cannot packager are Acrobat on Windows or Muse on either platform. The Remote Update Manager– or simply RUM– is a command-line tool that allows you– as an admin– to remotely push down updates to your Creative users. It may be used in conjunction with the Adobe Update Server Setup Tool to re-direct those updates to an in-house server where the updates are stored. The Adobe Update Server Setup tool which is used to configure an in-house update server. The Adobe Provisioning Toolkit allows you to serialize or reserialize Adobe Creative software after you install it. You may not need to use all of these tools, especially if you also use a third party packaging and deployment tool. While we’ve offered several of these tools in the past, [ build ]we now include all of these tools in the CCP download. AUSST Adobe Update Server Setup Tool Used to configure an in-house Adobe Update Server APTEE Adobe Provisioning Toolkit Enterprise Edition Post Serialization Re-Serialization * Found in the main CCP folder

58 Resources Adobe Help: Creative Cloud Packager for device licenses Adobe Help: Admin Console for device licenses New device license features video turesDeviceLicensingRecord.html Deploying Adobe Acrobat with the Creative Cloud Deploying Exceptions Acrobat Enterprise Toolkit Creative Cloud Deployment -Device Licensing for Existing CCT or EEA customers file.html Here are some resources to help you with packaging.

59 Resources Creative Cloud Updates Blog Deploying Adobe packages with ARD Deploying Adobe packages with SCCM Deploying Adobe Packages with Third Party Tools tools.html Using the Remote Update Manager (RUM) update-manager.html Using the Update Server Setup Tool (AUSST) tool.html Here are some resources to help you with packaging.

60 Previous CCT customers who are deploying Device Based Licenses, please note:
You will know you were using CCT if your users were required to sign in and out. If you have a previous installation of Creative Cloud for teams (CCT) you should follow this workflow: See: licenses.html#Migrate%20from%20existing%20licenses%20to%20device%20li censes Step 1: Create a License file for device licenses. For more information, see Create license file. Step 2: End users must sign out from Creative Cloud to unlicense existing software. Users can sign out from Creative Cloud app or any other installed product. Creative Cloud app: Choose  > Preferences > Account, and then click Sign out from Creative Cloud. Installed product: Choose Help > Sign out. Step 3: Deploy the license file package to the end-user machines, and execute the AdobeSerialization executable file with administrator privileges. This file is created when you create a license file.

61 Previous EEA customers who are deploying Device Based Licenses, please note:
If you were an EEA customer you installed a serialized product. Follow the following steps: Follow slides and unserialize your current Adobe products. Create a new package with your products such as 2014 apps and then deploy, following slides 35-46

62 Step 5: Choose the product you purchased
Deploy Select Creative Cloud for education Follow slides 5-11 and then use the following slides. After downloading and launching Creative Cloud Packager, the administrator will select their product purchased. VIP Administrators of education organizations who have purchased named-user or device licenses should select the Creative Cloud for education option as shown here. Note, you will need to be online with internet access to use the Creative Cloud Packager.

63 Step 6: Create License File
Deploy Then, click the Create License File Click here

64 Step 7: Name and Choose Save Location for the Package
Deploy A C:\Users\IT_Admin\Desktop B C The administrator uses Packager to create packages and deploy the specific Creative Cloud products they have licensed. On the Package Details screen, you must define: The name of the deployment package they want to create, shown as letter A above Where the package will be saved to for the deployment step, noted as letter B above. Choose Deployment Pool, letter C, Select to choose the products you will deploy (see the next slide) One these have been defined, they will click the Select button and proceed to defining which specific products they want to include in the deployment package. Name the package Choose a Save location Select Deployment Pool

65 Step 7: Choose the deployment pool
In the Select Deployment Pool screen: The admin is shown which products are available for device license deployment. This screen will also show which products have already been deployed and to how many devices. In this case here, the Creative Cloud for education complete plan has already been deployed to two devices.

66 Step 12: Package Complete
When the process completes, you will see the Summary screen. This process may take some time to download the software. Once the admin has selected products and created the package: The Summary screen shows the created package’s details. Deploy and run the package The package is created at the specified location. The package contains four files: AdobeSerialization RemoveVolumeSerial helper.bin prov.xml Run AdobeSerialization executable with admin privileges to license the software. Ensure that all files are present when you run the executable file. You can also double-click AdobeSerialization to license the software.

67 Once the Package is complete
Deploy and run the package The package is created at the specified location. The package contains four files: AdobeSerialization RemoveVolumeSerial helper.bin prov.xml EEA customers: Use the RemoveVolumeSerial executable file to remove enterprise license of previously licensed apps, before you apply the newer license. You'll need admin privileges. Once this is completed you will need to create your new software packages to deploy following the instructions in slides 13-29

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