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Calibration CSL Monitor

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1 Calibration CSL Monitor
Topics Archiving of log files in CSL nodes Making Calibration CSL Monitor University of Tsukuba Hideki YAMAZAKI 25,July operation meeting

2 Archiving of log files in CSL nodes
Making Perl script for archiving Preparation of Perl script for logger nodes and receiver nodes. Test the script on each spare node. →successful! Test the script on part of node which are taking data. →successful! Present status I prepared two Perl scripts to archive log files monthly: csl_logger.cron,csl_receicer.cron I have not registered the script yet because many troubles happened on the CSL system recently. II will talk about archiving of Log files at first. I had prepared Perl script for logger node,receiver node. I tested script on each spare nodes.successful Next , I tested script on part of node that take data on CSL system. Registration Perl script to csl_logger.cron,csl_receicer.cron → I have not registered the script because trouble happened on CSL system recently.

3 Making Calibration CSL Monitor
Outline Rewrite code of Java Client side For, Rewrite code of server side.(csl_mon_send.c) I tried to rewrite code of Java Client side. I succeeded to update information of nodes on GUI Monitor. Present status Problem I don't have environment for testing to transfer data from Calibration CSL to GUI Monitor.

4 Prototype GUI Monitor Parts of Updating information of node

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